Part 2

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So pretty much you're wearing the same outfit from Abandoning the light, although you have a different choice of weapon and different power. The weapon you may ask? One of the Zwill crossblades from FF XV, just one not both. And semblance? Magic! That's right! Magic! 

And yeah, starting from now you will no longer be a one man team!

Anyways onto the story!

It was currently night time and most of the new students are currently in a large hall where they would be sleeping before initiation. At the moment, you were putting away a few belongings into your newly assigned locker since they were technically part of your combat gear. You brought up your blade from it's holster and took a look at it, admiring the piece of work that you personally forged.

???: Interesting design.

You immediately recognized the voice as the same person you had met as soon as you landed in Beacon.

(Y/N): Made it myself.

The red headed warrior was shocked to know that you have crafted a fine piece of weaponry, it must have been rather difficult for someone to hand forge a weapon themselves.

Pyrrha: Did you really?

(Y/N): Yup, not by myself of course but I was able to manage. Nearly burnt my arms to all hell though.

After holstering the blade, you removed the holster and placed it in your locker, closing it since it was the last I your equipment. You turned to find Pyrrha giving a heart warming smile, you were nearly trapped in a gaze but luckily, somebody accidentally bumped into you.

???: s-sorry!

(Y/N): It's no problem. You alright?

It was a white haired rabbit Faunus that looked similar to another individual that attended Beacon, although she wore a different outfit and a white cape. Since she didn't know what to say, she simply left feeling nervous about being surrounded by others.

(Y/N): Guess she's not the talkative type.

After a small moment of an uncomfortable silence between you and Pyrrha, you decided to leave to get yourself ready for bed.

(Y/N): *ahem* Right, I'll see you tomorrow.

She kept her lovely smile as she waved goodbye, although she was a tiny bit upset that she was unable to use this chance to get to know you.

Pyrrha: Okay, good night (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Good night!

The Next Morning

Nora: Wake up you bums!

(Y/N): How about no!

You were incredibly sleepy as you had been woken up all of a sudden by a certain hyperactive teen that is currently wide awake. Doing your best to ignore your sister, you slowly drifted off to sleep once again but, you suddenly felt a rush of the freezing cold. Opening your eyes, you found Nora holding your blanket.

(Y/N): Why?

Nora: Come on! We gotta get ready!

(Y/N): *groans* alright, alright.

You slowly rose from your resting spot on the ground, still feeling incredibly sleepy, even Ren was practically feeling the same way. Both of you sighing at the same time, you two had spent the next half hour getting yourselves ready while Nora was practically talking the whole time. You never even noticed that she was chatting up a storm until you had equipped your gear, she had asked you a question that you didn't hear.

Walk Your Own Path: Pyrrha Nikos x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now