Part 4

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Ranger: So any idea what we're looking for?

The four of you were moving through the emerald forest in formation. It took a couple of tries but all of you were moving at the same pace without accidentally stepping on each other's feet. Luckily for you, the fatigue from helping the girls land safely was slowly wearing off and you were nearly back to full strength.

(Y/N): Who knows? Oozing said to bring a relic but I'm guessing he just left something for us to find. If not then I guess look for something shiny.

Ranger: *grumble* well that's one way to put it...

Joanna: It does seem a little... Odd...

(Y/N): Hey, when you've been traveling as much as I have, you tend to know what to look out for.

Snow: You traveled?

(Y/N): Yeah for a few years. Mainly by foot.

Snow: What made you want to travel?

(Y/N): Just thought it'd be nice to see the world before I get to the serious stuff.

Joanna: Weren't your parents worried?

(Y/N): Never had any.

The blonde stopped in her tracks and turned to face you with worried eyes.

Joanna: How can you just say something like that so casually?

You simply gave her a shrug since you were never really saddened by the fact that you grew up without any parents. In fact, before you had even met Ren, it was just you and Nora looking out for each other, scavenging for any scraps of food. Of course you had always lied to Nora that you had eaten your fill so she can eat instead, which led you to nearly die quite a few times from starvation. There was no time to worry about parents for you, most of your worries were focused on your own sister's health.

(Y/N): As i said, you tend to know what to look out for.

You continued walking, with or without the others, which of course most of them were still locked in place from your words.

(Y/N): Hurry! Or I'll leave you behind!

Snapping out of their thoughts, they quickly made their way and caught up with you. Although you were stopped to look at the open view that also contained a set of ruins.

(Y/N): Well let's see. Judging from the trees that have knocked down, I'm guessing somebody made it but bailed as soon as a few Grimm appeared. My guess? Probably a death stalker.

Ranger: Your guess is right, check out those tracks.

Of course there were a quite a few inhuman tracks in the trail of broken down trees.

(Y/N): I feel bad for the poor suckers already, come on let's get going.

All four of you emerged from the tree line and move freely toward the ruins to find a couple of chessboards and some remaining chess pieces.

Ranger: You  think these are the relics?

He picked up one of the black pawn pieces and casually tossed around before placing it in his jacket.

Ranger: I guess we're getting the leftovers.

(Y/N): Heh, could be it.

You grabbed the other black pawn while the girls took the golden pawns.

(Y/N): Either that or we're the sacrificial pawns from now on.

Snow: D-don't say things like that...

Walk Your Own Path: Pyrrha Nikos x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now