Part 11

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It was a rather peaceful morning in Beacon Academy. There were no classes for this special day since it was the day of dance, although you weren't planning to attend the event. Instead, you had intended on sitting on your bed with the depression keeping a hold on your mind.

You sighed before standing up to look out of the window and see the happy faces of other teams as they were enjoying their day.

(Y/N): Team huh....

Just the thought of it made your heart sunk deeper into the abyss. The four of you were practically inseparable and were very close friends, you've even thought of them as family. Now, it was as if you and Snow were the only ones left after the incident with Joanna.

(Y/N): If only I'd have stayed behind a little longer...

The sound of your door opening had caught your attention. Snow was currently visiting Joanna but you weren't sure if she was awake yet. Anyways, there was only one person that you can think of that would enter your newly assigned dorm without knocking,

Ranger: Hey...

(Y/N): ...

Ranger: Listen,  I've actually been thinking it over for the past couple days and...  I'm sorry.,,  it wasn't right for me to act the way I did, but please know that I really did want to help make a difference and understand why the White Fang are working with criminals like Roman Torchwick.

(Y/N) *sigh* ... I've already forgiven you a while ago but... I'm not the one you should be apologizing to.

He let out a small form as he know who you meant.

Ranger: You're right. Friends?

You smiled back before holding up your fist, as to which Ranger gladly bumped with his own.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

You looked at your scroll on top of your bed to find Snow calling. You picked up the device and quickly answered.

(Y/N): Hello?

Snow: (Y/N)! Great news! Joanna has woken up!

(Y/N): That's great to hear!

Snow: If you don't mind, I'll be calling Ranger as well.

(Y/N): No need. We'll be on our way right now.

You then hung up to speak to your team mate as well leave her to figure out that the both of you are on good terms once again.

(Y/N): Joanna's awake.

Ranger: Alright, let's get going then!

The both of you quickly exited the room but you were stopped when you heard a familiar voice.

Pyrrha: (Y/N)?

Ranger: I'll meet you on the airship.

You silently thanked him before he jogged away to speak to somebody before meeting with you.

(Y/N): Hey. I uhh-

The beautiful red head surprised you by bringing you into a warm hug.

Pyrrha: I'm so glad you're doing better.

(Y/N): I'm sorry for putting you through a lot of worry.

Pyrrha: Its just relieving to see you and Ranger as friends again. 

The both of you separated from the hug but only to for you to gently pull her into a short but sweet kiss. After the display of affection,  you decided to bring up a more important matter.

(Y/N): Snow called and informed us that Joanna had woken up. We're heading out to visit if you'd like to join us.

Pyrrha: Of course! Just let me-

She was interrupted by Nora who sped past the both of you.


Of course, Ren followed after her to make an attempt to stop the hyperactive teen.

Pyrrha: Nevermind,  it seems they somehow know. 

Small Timeskip

Joanna: You didn't have to call others... Just the rest of our team would've been fine...

The blonde female sat there in her bed with a light blush knowing that more are on their way as well. The white haired Faunus let out a small giggle before putting away her scroll.

Snow: Don't worry, I only called the other two and Jaune's team.

Joanna: Are (Y/N) and Ranger really on their way?

Snow: I'm guessing so, (Y/N) said I didn't have to worry about calling Ranger and ends that they were on their way.

Joanna: They better have settled things with each other.

Snow lalightly giggled at her team mate's joking manner, even Jaune had a difficult time holding in his laugh.

???: Or what?

Snow and the Arc siblings were thrown off gaurd when the both of you and Ranger stepped inside the room. What caught them by surprise was the fact that you and him seemed to have been on good terms.

(Y/N): Sup.

Snow: Guys!

The white haired teen ran up to the both of you and individually hugged the you two before deciding to ask her question.

Snow: So are-

(Y/N): Yeah.

Ranger looked at Joanna before finishing you're sentence.

Ranger: Team SJFR is reunited!

The bed ridden teen couldn't hold back the tears of joy as she heard those words, even Snow was feeling the same way.

Joanna: I'm so glad!

Jaune: Yeah, it didn't feel the same after everything that happened.

(Y/N): Tell me about it but it's all in the past now. Least we can do is catch up and stay with Joanna until she fully recovers.

Joanna: W-wait! What about the dance?

(Y/N): ... I'm not going.

Snow, Jaune, and Joanna were stunned by what you said.

Snow: Why not?

(Y/N): It wouldn't feel right if I went knowing that you'll miss out on the fun. So, I'll be here.

Ranger: Same here.

Snow: Well if you two aren't going then I'm not as well!

Ranger smiles before speaking once again.

Ranger: Good,  cause we made a few arrangements.

He then stuck his head out of the hospital room and called out to certain individuals who were allowing you and your team to reunite before entering. Next thing you knew,  the rears of Team JNPR and Team RWBY have walked inside carrying quite an assortment of food and drinks.

Nora: Let's get this party started!

Joanna was surprised at the sudden gesture of her friends.

Joanna: You guys!

Pyrrha: As (Y/N) said, we wouldn't want you to miss out on any fun!

Yang: Yeah! Now way you're missing out on a little salsa!

Ranger: Madre de dios, Yang! Can you not say that while holding the salsa!?

To be continued!

Walk Your Own Path: Pyrrha Nikos x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang