Part 9

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It had been a week since your disagreement with Ranger and things have not been going well between the two of you. He rarely spoke to you whenever you see him but most of the time he leaves with Blake to continue their campaign in stopping the White Fang. You can tell that he's lost slot of sleep since he never sleeps on his own bed as much.

However, when the two of you did speak to each other, it would result in a rather unsettling argument that left quite a bit of hostility. 

Unfortunately, it left you on a bit of a depressed state knowing that your friend and team mate currently resents you. It was a good thing that Pyrrha is there to assure that he'll eventually come around. It made you happy to know that the red haired beauty comforted you when needed, others you would end up in a worse state.

So at the moment, you were currently walking along the hallways to clear your mind until said team mate brushed past you.

Ranger. Hmph...

You slowed to a stop in your tracks to hopefully talk some sense in to him but you knew there would be no point.  It was moments like these tha made you have thoughts about failing as a leader.

Ruby: Hey (Y/N).

You can tell from the tone of her voice that Ruby was having the same situation with Blake. Hopefully the upcoming dance will help ease the troubles away since it was only a few days away.

(Y/N): Hey.

Ruby: Still the same for the past week?

(Y/N): Yup. What about you? Any luck?

Ruby: Same. We're hoping to at least change her mood before the dance.

(Y/N): Yeah... I'm gonna head out in the courtyard for a bit.

Ruby: O-okay, see you later (Y/N)!

After saying your farewell with the leader of Team RWBY, you sat in on a bench in the courtyard to try to relax your thoughts.

???: Feeling distressed now, are we?

You were broken out of your thoughts to look upon one of the students from Haven, Cinder. Although we all know what's really going on but lets just play along!

(Y/N): Did I make it too obvious?

Cinder: Well, too obvious in hiding it. You may seem calm and relaxed but I can tell from your eyes that something is wrong.

She took a seat next to you as she spoke.

Cinder: After all, half of Beacon can practically hear you and your friend on the verge of breaking each other's necks.

(Y/N): Seems a bit brutal, don't you think?

Cinder: Just an assumption since all I've heard from the two of you is shouting.

(Y/N): That's because you arrived at an inconvenien time. Although I feel as though I should knock some sense into him.

Cinder: And why not? It'd be a much faster solution than a tedious waiting period.

(Y/N): Heh, it's not me. Besides, I can't exactly do that to a friend.

Cinder: Hm, suit yourself.

The black haired beauty left to leave you with your thoughts once again. You were even enjoying the tranquility of the scenery since most of the students nearby wanted peace and quiet.

Pyrrha: Ah, (Y/N)! I've been looking all over for you!

Again, you were glad that the beautiful warrior was around otherwise you would be in quite a depression for failing as a leader. Truth be told,  you were very much in love with her and with the fact that she was spending quite a bit with you,  made you feel thankful for the red head.

(Y/N): Hello Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: I'm so glad I found you! There's been something I've been meaning to ask you!

(Y/N): Hm? Whatever for?

She lightly blushed before grabbing your hand and pulled you out of your seat.

Pyrrha: If it isn't too much trouble. I'd like to tell you along the way to Vale.

(Y/N): We're heading into Vale?

She smiled brightly as she lead you to the airship that would fly the two of you into town.

Pyrrha: Why of course! 

Soon the two of you were currently sitting in the airship that was currently in the air as it made its way to Vale. There was a small moment of silence since Pyrrha was feeling a little nervous about the words that she wanted to speak.

(Y/N): So what was it that you wanted to tell me?

She snapped back into reality since she was thinking about multiple scenarios of what would occur.

Pyrrha: O-oh! Well you see,  there's no easy way to say this...

Without warning, she grabbed you by your cloak and pulled you into an unexpected kiss. You were caught by surprised from Pyrrha's action since didn't know what to expect from this trip. Either way, you were genuinely happy that she felt the same way about you and wrapped an arm around your waste to deepen the kiss.

After a few minutes of kissing, the ship landed in vale and the both of you separated to exit.

(Y/N): Not gonna lie, you completely caught me off gaurd.

Pyrrha nervously giggled from your statement.

Pyrrha: I wanted to tell you in an area where nobody will see us since I wasn't sure how you would react.

(Y/N): You kidding? How can I not fall for you after everything we've been through?

Pyrrha: I'm glad to hear it! I originally intented to ask if you wanted to come with me to the dance but it was rather difficult to hold back my feelings.

The both of you enjoyed a moment of a comfortable silence before the two of you decided to take each other's hand and happily walk along the streets of Vale.


Mercury: So? How'd it go with other knucklehead?

Cinder: Boring. Same as the other. Perhaps we'll see the both of them finally meet with each oter's fist since they pretty much annoyed me with their shouting. Although they talked about wanting to knock some sense into each other.

Emerald: Need a little help with that?

Cinder: Maybe, let's just see how it turns out. Besides...

She then opened a small box that contained a dagger that was similar to yours.

Cinder: I need to properly return this to its owner.

Mercury whistled at the size and sharpness at the blade.

Mercury: Nice, where's you get your hands at something like thT?

Cinder: Near a cave that led to some old ruins called The Tempering Grounds. Let's just say that this place isn't something to be taken lightly since it's first like of defense is infested with Grimm. I originally wanted to gain the power of a legend from within the ruins but...

Emerald: But what?

Cinder: I failed to even reach the first trial but I managed to recover this blade. I think it will serve us just fine since we know who possesses the other half.

Mercury: Heh, I'm already liking this. So what's the plan?

Cinder: Easy. We simply try to put out the flame with a little gasoline.

To be continued...

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