King's Landing

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Ashanna choked down sorrow when she departed from Castle Black. It was a flying visit but she still felt a sense of loss.
Her goodbye to Jon was quick to not embarrass him. He knew that she would miss him. So he wouldn't take the quick goodbye to heart.

Ashanna was on the verge of begging him to come with her. But that was never going to happen. Jon made his choice.. And Ashanna felt it was the wrong one.

She had been traveling to King's landing for nearly a month. Winter had grown into a large she- wolf. And the normal wolf pups she adopted were getting bigger every day.

She and her escorts stayed in the castles and inns the royal party had.
Ashanna would've preferred to travel in a slower speed. She despised the idea of living with the Lannister's.
She wished she had stayed in Winterfell. Something told her that she wouldn't see her family for a long time.

The thought made her anxious and more paranoid then ever. Could her visions mean that the Lannister's would have a role in ruining her family.
Ashanna hoped she was wrong. But she had never been wrong.

Kings landing finally came into view. Ashanna's blood ran cold in her veins. She could turn back.
She looked around, her father's men had completely surround her as they walked.
Well there goes that idea...
She kept her eyes on her hands as they rode past the sand coloured walls of the city.
They rode into the courtyard of the Red Keep. People of the court hurried around eager to get to other parts of the palace.

Her Lord father entered the courtyard from the front doors. A relieved smile on his face as he came towards her. Ashanna swiftly leaped off her horse. Winter and her adopted siblings watched her with great interest. They came trotting over to her, waiting.
Her father's face darkened when he noticed the wolves. Ashanna kneeled to Winter's level.

"Stay out of sight." She whispered. Winter licked her before nipping at the younger wolves who reluctantly followed her. Winter ran at the head of the pack and jumped onto a ledge on the wall before making another jump onto the palace walls. The others followed suit until they were all gone.
"Ashanna.. Those wolves.." He trailed off.

"Normal wolves father. There mother was killed.. I couldn't leave them there to die." Ashanna said slowly.

"I must warn you, my sweet girl. We had an accident with the wolves on our journey." Her father said sadly. Ashanna gave him a questioning look.

"Arya's wolf bit Prince Joffrey. Arya drove it away to protect it. It couldn't be found so the Queen demanded that Lady was killed." Her father said sounding ashamed.

"And Sansa?..." Ashanna asked breaking off.

"Isn't taking it well.." Her father said sorrowfully.

"I'll speak to her." Ashanna said shortly as she guided her horse towards the stables.
She felt her uneasiness grow a sudden wave of anxiety stabbed her heart. Someone was watching her and she had a feeling their intentions were dark.

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