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Blinding white light glared into Ashanna's eyes, Ashanna willed for this vision to be over. For the gods to release her.
But they didn't.

The vision's hold on her tightened.

Ashanna found herself in a great hall, full to the brim with laughter and wine. Ashanna saw herself conversing with her mother and brother. Her vision self appeared to be happy and was apparently enjoying this event.

Ashanna smiles to herself.

This wasn't so bad.

That's when she heard it.. the voice that began to sing.

"And who are you, the proud lord said. That I must bow to low?
Only a cat of a different coat that's all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws. And mine are long and sharp, my lord. As long and sharp as yours.
And so he spoke, and so he spoke.
That Lord of Castamere.
But now the rains weep o'er his hall, with no one there to hear. Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall, and not a soul to hear"

Ashanna whipped around to face her vision self.. but she was no where to be seen. But where she stood lay piles upon piles of bodies clad in her family's colours.

"Ashanna." Robb's voice called to her. Ashanna looked back towards the high table. But the table wasn't there now... no instead.. it was the Iron Throne.

The body of her brother Robb sat upon the throne. But that wasn't his head, sewn to his shoulders.. that's was Grey Wind.

Her brother's direwolf.

Her mother's body lay at his feet. Her lifeless eyes stared into Ashanna's soul.

Ashanna screamed, and screamed. She screamed until her throat burned and sound ceased to escape her throat.

She knew this... whatever this was.... this would come to pass.

Her voice finally gave out as the vision faded to black and she was plunged into Darkness.

A/n- video is by CapenterSound on YouTube. It contains spoilers up to season 7 so if you haven't seen the later seasons do not watch it! I love this video soooooo much. I've literally shown this to all my friends at least 3 times. This chapter is a bit shorter than what we're use to but it's just a filler chapter.

Thank you for continuing to support this fanfic. You people are the reason why I keep writing, why I don't listen to people who say I'll never succeed in this profession. Words cannot describe how much every single one of you mean to me. Thank you.
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