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A/n attached is Choices by cBrus.
10 freaking k??!!!?!!? WHAT?! Sorry has there been a glitch? THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Thanks a million to every single person that decided to give this book a chance.

I know I've said this before, but I write this book for fun, I never in a trillion years expected this book to get more than 200 reads. But 10k.. that is surreal. I know nobody's going to reply to this. But I honestly LOVE you all soooooooo much.

This is going to sound incredibly cheesy and cringeworthy but you keep me going. Whenever I'm asked about my writing or reading I always talk about this app. But when some people find out I write Fanfiction.. they think it's weird.
You people don't realise how much your reads, votes and feedback help me to ignore them.
I'm forever grateful,
-the girl that you make smile everyday.

"I can't believe you neglected to tell me that you are married!" Ashanna fumed as she walked along her brother. Robb fought to prevent that amused smile from taking form.

"You were recovering from a vision. I didn't see the sense in forcing you to remember your manners while you were rambling nonsense with a swollen tongue." Robb said as a hint of a smirk graced his lips. Ashanna swatted his arm in mock offense.

The walked together through the courtyard of Riverrun. Robb's wife Talisa was in the other side of the courtyard healing wounded men.

"I commend you brother, she really is lovely." Ashanna said as she glanced at her new sister.

"I knew you'd like her." Robb beamed as a gentle smile pulled his lips upward. Ashanna let out a light laugh.

"I think it would be extremely difficult to not like her. She's quite sweet and kind. To be frank brother, I thought you'd end up marrying a heinous witch." Ashanna cackled. Robb frowned at her words as if he couldn't detect the humour in her words.

"Is there anything wrong?" Ashanna pressed as her eyes widened with concern. Robb smoked again, a sad, pitiful smile.

"Nothing that you should be worried about." Robb said softly as he ruffled Ashanna's hair.

"You'd tell me? Wouldn't you? If something was wrong?" Ashanna asked warily. Robb nodded unconvincingly.

"Of course I would. We don't keep secrets from one another. Now tell me about the vision that confined you to your room for a day."

Ashanna could tell her brother was desperately avoiding this discussion. He was hiding something from her. Although she was curious, she knew Robb would tell her when he was ready.. or when Ashanns confronted him. For now she'd wait, observe and then lay her cards on the table.

"I saw Winterfell burn, blood, bodies.... Death. And.. and I saw wolves fleeing from our home. And the Bolton flag being raised. I... I saw us in a great hall, we were happy, there was music, a feast. And then the.. The rains of Castermere echoed through the hall.... you were... D-d-d- Everyone was... Gone." Ashanna tried and failed to stop her voice from shaking. Robb placed a comforting arm around her shoulders.

"Your visions aren't always right, Ashanna. Do not lose sleep over this. We are together and we are safe. I'll protect you, always. Dead or not." Robb whispered as a deep sadness clouded his eyes. Ashanna hugged him, her eyes stinging. Her visions could be false, that would be so much easier than carrying this burden.
She preferred the happier possibility. Life.
She was with her brother,
She was safe,
And that meant she was home.

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