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So I had 2 exams last week. So forgive my late update by 3 weeks and the short chapter. Do not watch that video or swipe right if you are not caught up on season 8.

Ashanna let out a huff of annoyance. Robb wasn't paying any notice to her or her visions. She trailed around the castle after Robb for the entire morning and afternoon.

She had finally professed and explained her visions.. the Bolton flag over Winterfell and the banquet that ended in blood. She told him in great detail of her dream encounter with Jojen and what he said to her. Bran and Rickon were alive. Robb however chose to ignore her first two visions. Instead, he decided to focus completely on her dream encounter.

"So you were dreaming." Robb concluded for her. Ashanna scoffed again and folded her arms over her chest. Robb raised an eyebrow pointedly at her as he threw more clothes into his and his wife's shared trunk.

"It wasn't a dream." Ashanna muttered as she wrinkled her nose.

"Were you asleep?" Robb asked as he tilted his head curiously.


Robb simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Then it was a dream." Robb quipped. Ashanna closer her eyes tightly in frustration and took several calming breaths.

"You're not listening to a word I say." Ashanna said accusingly.

"Of course I am. You have a gift Ashanna, I promise we'll discuss your visions with mother later.. but your dream... that's all it was... a dream." Robb whispered softly. He gently placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder for a minute.

"You don't believe it." Ashanna stated quietly.

"I believe you saw it. Your mind, your gift is an incredible thing. But it fools you, Ashanna. I want to believe it.. but I can't."

Robb slowly removed his hand from her shoulder and brought his arm to his side.

"If I had seen Bran and Rickon in a vision... Would you believe it?" Ashanna mused. Robb nodded to himself more so to her.

"Perhaps. You didn't see then though and it wasn't a vision it was a dream, Ashanna."

Ashanna watched as her brother returned to packing his and his wife's belongings. The army would begin the journey to the twins that night.

Maybe that night she'd have the same blissful dream.
Maybe she'd have a vision of Bran and Rickon. She'd be able to convince Robb that they were among the living.

She's love that.
A chance.

Just one chance to see her baby brothers again.
She'd take it without a second of hesitation.
It would be a fool's dream come true. She didn't dare to hope, she'd put her faith in her gift, her ability to see what others could not.

Ashanna Stark would spend the rest of her life hoping if it meant a mere second of a reunion.
She'd take that and run with it.

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