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A/n - sorry for the extremely late update. I just finished my Leaving Cert exams so I'm officially off for summer. the following is a filler chapter.

The Video is by Zurik 23M. It contains scenes from season 1-6.
Do not swipe right if you haven't seen season 8.

I had a huge rant about the final season typed and ready to go so I thought I'd summarise it.
I actually like the new season. Fair enough it seems rushed. BUT that does not take away from the fact that the cinematography is flawless and the acting is perfection.

I understand why people are unhappy, but I think that's because everyone including myself has a different opinion on how Game of Thrones should end, who kills who and who sits on the iron throne, etc. Obviously not everyone is going to be happy because it's not how they envisioned it.
Some people who are disappointed with the ending are signing petitions to redo season 8. That's so disrespectful to everyone involved in the production of GoT. Regardless if you like the final season or not. Have some respect for the people who gave us a phenomenal television program.

I actually like the ending. Its not what I wanted but It's a twist, most of us didn't see it coming. That's a typical GoT move, isn't it? Everything that happened has been foreshadowed in previous seasons if you look hard enough.
Pure brilliance.

They had been traveling for days. Robb assured Ashanna and his lady wife that they were less than two days away from their destination. With every step they took towards the twins, a gnawing wave of uncertainty flooded Ashanna's mind.

A heavy grey cloak hung over the She-Wolf's shoulders. Ashanna Stark's grey eyes were unseeing as she gazed towards the road ahead.
She wasn't there, not really.

Somewhere in her mind she was still tethered to her surroundings. She could still hear the trotting of horses, the mummer of conversations between the men traveling with her. It what she couldn't hear that bothered her. Her beloved wolves' panting. Mila's quiet, polite voice and Cedric's booming laugh.

She went to them before she departed for the twins. She found them in the courtyard preparing others for their travels.

Ashanna waltzed up to her friends with a fake smile plastered across her face. She didn't want them to fear for her. Ashanna wanted them to be content.

Mila was the first to notice her approach and immediately threw herself into Ashanna's arms. Ashanna coughed as the small girl crushed her in a tight embrace.

Mila reluctantly let Ashanna go, tears pooled in her friends' moss green eyes. Mila wore her black hair like a northern lady now. Ashanna had shown her how to part two pieces of her hair and how to tie them at the back of her head. Ashanna was going to miss her. Mila didn't treat her differently because of her birth status or her gift. Ashanna was just a regular girl to her.

"You don't need to go." Mila cried. Ashanna grasped her friend's hands tightly.

"I've been separated from my family for too long. I'll will not leave them again." Ashanna said softly. Mila choked down another sob as Ashanna released her hands. Cedric looked at the She wolf with tears in eyes eyes. Ashanna pulled him gently into her arms.

"Thank you.. for everything." She whispered to him as tears threatened to pool in her eyes.
She pulled away from him and shared a loving look between her two friends.

"There's one more thing I must ask of you." She whispered as she peered into Cedric's eyes.

"Anything." He said firmly as he took a step closer to her. Ashanna glanced at her wolves as they wandered through the courtyard. Winter was happily following Grey Wind around the castle.

"Take my wolves with you to Fairmarket. Keep them safe for me." Ashanna said quickly before she could change her mind. Mila furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Why? You need them to watch over you. You'll be safer with them nearby." Mila challenged. Ashanna held her breath. This was possibly one of the hardest decisions she had ever made. She didn't know what her vision entailed, but she would not gamble the lives of her wolves.

"That vision.. could mean anything. I will not risk my wolves' lives. I ask you, as your friend.. please take them with you. They will follow you. I will retrieve them when fate allows it." Ashanna said quietly. Cedric shared a look with Mila before nodding. 

Her wolves would survive.

Ashanna tried to convince Robb to send Grey Wind with her beloved friends. He blatantly refused her and explained his need to have his companion with him at all times.

Ashanna understood, even now as she trudged through their makeshift camp. Ashanna felt as if her heart had been ripped from her chest. She missed Winter and her pack.

"Ashanna." A sweet voice called to her. Ashanna spun on her heel to face her beckoner.
Ashanna's mother Lady Caitlyn stood in the centre of the tents courtyard . Ashanna sighed as she walked closer to her.

"Yes, Mother?" She asked politely. Her mother didn't answer her, she waved for her to come closer. Ashanna let another sigh escape her tightly pressed lips as she strode to her mother's side.

"I wish to apologise to you.. what I said to you when you arrived was.. awful. I shouldn't have said those awful things. Your sisters' fates were not your doing. You tried to save them. I'm so proud of you, Ashanna. Your father would be too." Her mother said sweetly in a genuine tone. A sad smile graced Ashanna's lips as he mother pulled her into a heart warming hug.

"I love you with all my heart, my sweet, sweet girl." Her mother beamed with affection. She bestowed Ashanna with light kisses to her cheeks and forehead as she embraced her lovingly.

"I love you too." Ashanna said as she buried her face into her mother's robes.

Suddenly Ashanna was a little girl again, hiding in her mother's arms. She felt as if the darkest force in the world couldn't harm her if she remained within reach of those soft, gentle hands.

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