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"The spoils of war as promised by our Lord father." Black Walder announced before he gave Ashanna a shove towards Tywin Lannister.  Ashanna stumbled, the heavy chains around her wrists weighing her down to her knees.

Lord Tywin's lips spread into a devilish smile.
The corner of his eyes wrinkled as his face morphed into that infuriating smirk.

"The throne thanks your father for his service. The reward he seeks will be granted." Tywin said with a nod.

"Remove Lady Ashanna's restraints." Lord Tywin instructed with a gesture to Ashanna. The two Frey brothers shuffled their feet as they stared at Ashanna reluctantly.

"The She-wolf put 4 knives into our brothers. It's better to keep her in chains, My Lord." The other brother said meekly. Lord Tywin flashed an amused grimace at them.

"You let this dainty little thing stab your brothers?"

The Frey men shook their heads.

"She threw them."  Black Walder corrected him. Lord Walder's smile faltered at those words. He tossed a sideways glance at Ashanna. Before looking around the room dramatically.

"I don't see any knives in here. Perhaps we're safe enough. Remove the girl's chains." Lord Tywin ordered firmly.

Black Walder rushed forward with a pair of long iron keys and released Ashanna from her chains. She rubbed her red raw wrists in relief and agony as the metal bindings were lifted from her.

Lord Tywin gave the two brothers a nod and a dismissive wave of a hand.
The two Frey men stood still, completely missing Lord Tywin's dismissal of them. Tywin Lannister looked at them pointedly.

"Was there something else?" He asked under his raised eyebrows.

"What exactly do you intend to do with the girl?" Black Walder blurted. Ashanna watched as Tywin Lannister flared his nostrils.

"That is none of your concern."

"We know that My lord." The other brother chimed in as Ashanna turned to face him.

"I was wondering if I could take her off your hands after whatever you intend to do with her." Black Walder continued. Tywin's eyes flickered between the two Frey brothers.

"I understand that you already have a wife. You do not need another. Furthermore your family has already been awards for their aide. And you ask the crown for more? Get out of my sight." Lord Tywin ordered. Within seconds the two Frey brothers bolted for the large wooden door they had emerged through. Ashanna could hear their feet slamming against the stone steps as they sprinted down the stairs.

Ashanna turned back to the head of the Lannister family. Her head held high, her eyes filled with every ounce of hatred she could muster.

"Take Lady Ashanna to her chambers. Gather some handmaidens. Tell them to get her cleaned up." Lord Tywin ordered clearly. Ashanna was suddenly pulled to her feet by a knight of the Kingsguard.

She walked in silence towards her new prison, her legs were starting to feel better as they continued their walk.

It wasn't long until they reached a large wooden door with elaborate golden designs decorating it. The Kingsguard pushed the door open, Ashanna entered the room willingly.

She heard the door slam behind her and the key turning the lock.

Ashanna Stark stood quietly in her new prison.

A large bed was pushed up against the wall to her right. A small wooden table and two matching chairs lay in the middle of the floor. To Ashanna's left there was a balcony with double doors closing her off from it.

Ashanna found herself walking towards it. She looked through the glass panes of the doors, down at the balcony and the cobbled stone ground below it.

She imagined throwing herself from the balcony. She imagined the wind racing through her knotted hair as her body plummeted through the air. She imagined her blood pooling out of her cracked skull. Her glassy, unseeing eyes would stare up at her balcony with a smile of relief etched forever upon her face.

The thought tasted like freedom. Ashanna knew that end would be a mercy compared to whatever the Lannisters had in store for her.

With a blank, emotionless expression on her face Ashanna reached for the door handle. Her warm fingertips grasped the cool metal of the door handle. Ashanna tried to open the door, only to find it was locked.

Of course they wouldn't leave her in a room with access to demise. They wanted her alive.

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