I know

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Ashanna pulled at her stark pendant that was around her neck.
The Lannister force departed to defend Kingslanding from Stannis Baratheon's attack.

Now was the chance to escape this godless place but for some reason Ashanna found it difficult to take those steps for freedom.

Ahead of her stood Gendry, Arya and Hotpie with stolen swords from the armoury waiting for whatever Arya's new ally had planned.

Ashanna could hear Winter and her adoptive siblings howling outside the castle walls. Her wolves were calling for her...

But even then Ashanna fought the stillness that kept her in place. She knew she couldn't leave without her weapons.. gifts from her father.
And she found herself turning on her heel and running in the direction of where the few remaining Lannister forces mingled. She stopped just out of view from the 3 men who were huddled around a fire drinking wine from a sheepskin.

On a table sat a dagger and some food. Ashanna quietly walked closer she found herself lift the knife into her grasp. She approached the 3 men, who stopped their conversation upon seeing her.
The man who held the blade to her throats wasn't there. But her bow, quiver and sword was.

The men watched her as her eyes flicked from her weapons to them.

They lunged at her,
Ashanna dodged them slashing her knife across the first man's chest. The second swing her own sword at her neck, to which she ducked. She cuts across his shins, sending him to his knees. The third grabbed her by the neck and started to strangle her. She swiftly plunged her knife into the soldiers neck.
Blood poured from the dying soldier as he held his neck tightly to stop the bleeding.

Ashanna sighed she as slashed the throats of the second man and put her knife through the heart of the first.
By the time she retrieved her sword, bow and quiver the three men were near death.

"I told you I was coming for them." She said coldly as she sheathed her sword and her dagger.

She found herself back with Arya and Gendry as the bodies of the look outs fell from their stations.
Ashanna looked to her sister. Arya held her hand.

"We'll find each other again, I know it." Arya whispered. Ashanna wrapped her arms around her sister and promised they would. Ashanna then turned to Gendry, his blue eyes were etched with sadness. Ashanna found his eyes again.

"Don't join the nights watch." Ashanna whispered her mouth lifting into a sad smile. Gendry's lips mimicked hers.

"Seems like a good idea, after all nobody can follow you, Ashanna Stark." He said quietly. Ashanna walked towards the now open gates and turned to look at him one more time.

"I'll find you." She vowed. He nodded.

"I know."

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