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Ashanna twirled the wolf whistle between her fingers. Hail should've been there.. Hail should've heard it by now.
Ashanna was a day or two from Kingslanding. She'd make it.

But her mind drifted off to Arya. She told herself there was nothing she could do. But that was a lie, wasn't it? Ashanna was stronger than her sister she could've found a way to make Arya accompany her on her mission to save Sansa. Right?

Ashanna knew her sister was brave and strong. Somewhere inside she was certain that no matter how much Ashanna pleaded and pushed.. Arya was never going to go with her. Maybe her decision to grant her sister's wish was the right thing. Arya was out of Cerci's reach. She was safe.. for now.

Like Gendry.

Letting him go was the right thing to do. Ashanna told herself this every waking second. Her heart ached but it was the right thing to do. Despite the pain she felt she knew she had to do it. She would never forgive herself if Gendry was taken. Keeping him out of King's Landing was the best she could do for him.
She'd see him again... one day.
Or at least that's what she told herself.

Ashanna took another deep breath as she continued walking the path. She was near the king's road, but not on it. She didn't want to be recognised or attract any attention. But then again maybe it was a bad idea to walk with her wolves. They made her feel safe through, safe and sound.

Ashanna arrived in King's Landing in good time. Quicker than she originally anticipated.
A day and a half? Two? All she knew was that she wasn't too late. She crouched, unseen behind the city's walls. Her train of thought on how to get in wasn't going anywhere.
Until she saw 3 young people try to escape via the main gate. Ashanna watched as the gate opened and golden cloaks flicked out to seize the 3.

Ashanna took advantage of the distraction and slipped through. The city was on lock down. Soldiers filled the streets, allies, everywhere. Civilians ran to and from houses carrying supplies, just in case.
Ashanna kept her good up as she walked through the crowd of soldiers.
To them she was just another pretty face trying to get to where she was going.

She went unnoticed and was quite proud of the fact nobody stopped her as she approached the castle's courtyard. Instead of walking though it she decided on a sly approach. She climbed the nearest building she could find. She gazed over the buzzing city, lit only by the orange of torches.

She ran across the buildings roof, cursing herself when she almost lost her balance on a loose tile.

She climbed over the wall separating flea bottom from the Red Keep easily and quietly crawled onto the roof of the palace. She sprinted as fast and as carefully as she could.

Green light flashed in front of her eyes. Ashanna was taken back at the sudden explosion in Blackwayer Bay. She lost her footing and hit the tiles so hard that she knocked a few out of place.
Ashanna meekly pushed herself to her feet. She took steady breaths as she continued her sprint across the roof.
The sea burned a bright green... Wildfire.

Ashanna knew she didn't have long now. She climbed off the roof and into a window. Ashanna hid behind the windows curtain as she peeped into the small hall. With a hand on her sword she walked out. Ahead of her was a familiar shade of red hair hurrying down the hall.
Ashanna would know that girl anywhere.

"Sansa." She whispered. Her voice was barely audible but she heard her. Her sister turned to face her  with a face mixed with delight and horror. She pulled Ashanna into a narrow hallway.

"You need to come with me." Ashanna said slowly and clearly. Sansa shook her head frantically.

"Stannis won't hurt me... he respected father." Sansa said fearfully.

"Sansa listen to me.. we have to go now." Ashanna said softly. Sansa stepped out of her reach and shook her head once more.

"We'll get caught, we'll get branded as traitors and killed like father or they'll punish us." Sansa sobbed. Ashanna's heart broke as she watched her sister. She was truly terrified.

"I'll protect you." Ashanna insisted. Sansa smiled sadly.

"You can't."

Ashanna found herself walking towards the window.
"I can and I will." Ashanna vowed. Sansa's eyes snapped to the three Lannister soldiers walking towards them.

"You've looked after all of us your entire life, Ashanna. Just this once let me protect you." Sansa said quietly.
Ashanna furrowed her brows in confusion. That's when she heard the footsteps of the soldiers grow closer.

"Call more guards.. That's Ashanna Stark." One yelled. They were running closer.

"Run." Sansa said firmly to her sister. Ashanna shook her head.

"I won't leave you." Ashanna said sharply. Sansa clenched her jaw.

"I won't let them have you. Go!" Sansa yelled. She felt her sister push her towards the window. Tears stained Ashanna's face as she climbed the windows ledge and crawled back onto the roof of the Red Keep.

She found herself sobbing and sprinting across the tiles.  She ran across the uneven roofs of flea bottom and was once more outside King's Landing. Her wolves watched her as she rejoined them. She glanced at the Red Keep and the battle that played on the Bay. Ashanna failed and with that defeat she quietly slipped into the shadows to start her journey home.

Back to the shadows, where she belonged...

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