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Ashanna grinned at Gendry mischievously as she twirled the newly forged sword in her hand. Arya ate her supper as she watched the display.
"Ready?" Ashanna asked as she prepared herself to spar. Gendry shook is head.

"No, I saw what you did to those men at the barn." Gendry said quickly.

Ashanna rolled her eyes.

"That was with a bow. Your not going to get a arrow through your eye." Ashanna said as she motioned for him to pick up the sword.

"You'll probably get a sword through the heart." Arya quipped form the sidelines. Ashanna sent a fake glare towards her sister. Arya responded by laughing.

"Why are we doing this?" Gendry groaned.

"To test your questionable forgery work." Ashanna replied jokingly. Gendry raised an eyebrow at her words which sent Ashanna into fits of laughter.

For a second she could forget..
But then the reality kept flooding back.
Her father was dead.
The rest of her family were millions of miles away.
They weren't safe.
The north was in open rebellion.
And Joffrey still sat upon the iron throne.

"Just hold the sword.. please." Ashanna sighed as she pointed to the sword by Gendry's feet.
Gendry's gaze softened on her, as if knowing something was wrong. And without another word he picked up the sword and pointed it at her, waiting for her to strike the testing blow.
Ashanna lunged forward and sidestepped Gendry's swipe for her. She ducked under his next attack and finally blocked his third with her own assault.

She smiled at him as she twirled the sword over so the handle was in his reach. Gendry took it in hand and glanced down at her.

"Your forge work is getting better." Ashanna said in approval.

Ashanna told the truth, everyday Gendry grew more experienced at the forge so everyday he got better.

"I'm going to get some supper. I'll be back in a minute." Ashanna said with a soft smile to her sister before walking from their line of sight.

Here she was almost forgetting... almost feeling safe, while her family was at war and her sister a prisoner.
Ashanna's plan for saving Sansa wasn't going as planned. She wouldn't leave Arya or Gendry here while she went to rescue Sansa.

She'd only go back to King's Landing when she knew they were out of this damned place. She couldn't just leave to save Sansa and leave Arya in danger.
She wouldn't.

Ashanna sighed as she reached for the small portion of stew and stale bread that she had been given permission to eat.
She narrowed her eyes at her outstretched hand.
It was shaking uncontrollably.
A vision was about to take it's toll.

Ashanna glanced around the room.. Nobody was there.. yet.
If the soldiers saw her while having a vision.
Would they deem her sick? A threat to their health? Would they take her convulsions and rolled back eyes as a sign of an illness?
Would they kill her?
And then kill Arya and Gendry if they believed they were 'sick' as well?

Unfortunately for Ashanna she didn't have time to hide herself for her vision.
It forced itself into her minds eye. And demanded her attention.
Ashanna's body collapsed under her as she fell to the ground in a daze.
She knew as blood from her bitten tongue filled her mouth, that this vision would be horrible. Tears streamed down Ashanna's face as she felt her eyes roll back into her head.

And the vision began...

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