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I'd survived the maze.

I'd survived the scorch.

I'd survived the trails.

But I'd died along with him.

I'd died along with all of them.

Chuck, Alby, Jeff, Clint, Gally, Winston and everyone else.

But I really died with Newt.

I'd survived with my twin, Thomas and everyone else who made it but I had died with the person I loved just as much as my brother.

It was mostly in our heads though everything that had, the place, the world that we thought was dying or dead was just a small sectioned off part of a state that had been cut off for years, no body new why we were chosen we just were.

And now we could really go home.

Away from the hell we had lived in for years.

Only five of us made it out of the maze; Gally, Minho, Thomas, Frypan and my self.

Let me introduce my self, I'm Piper and I'm Thomas's twin sister, I was in the maze for two years where as Tommy was only in there for a few days.

I feel in love with Newt whilst in there and we stuck together through everything, but when we got out we learnt that Newt wasn't immune compared to the rest of us, he ended up almost turning into a full on Crank.

But he begged Tommy with the last of his sanity to shoot him, he begged him and shouted at him.

He left a note for each of us one for Tommy and one for me.

Thomas's one was about his death but mine he must had written before.

I'm sorry love that I'm not there,
I'm sorry I didn't say a proper good bye, I'm sorry that l can't be there for you,

I love you more than the world it's self and I'm sorry that I have to leave you behind. Please don't hurt your self because of me, I'd never now what I'd do if I knew I'm the reason why you'd end up hurting your self.

I wish I could spend the rest of my days with you, but my wish had kind of already come true as a lot of the days that I can remember I have spent with you.

Thank you for loving me,
Thank you for being there for me,
Thank you for being my world for me,
Thank you for being the one I feel in love with.
I know I promised I would always be there for you.
But it will have to be a promise I will have to break.

Good bye my dearest love,
Please tell me all about life when I see you again.

I kept it in my breast pocket just next to my heart, only taking it out when I couldn't sleep at night.

And now we can go home, we had been informed that non of our parents where alive, mine and Thomas's had died of heart failure a year ago whilst the other threes parents had been killed by WICKED.

We had all agreed to stay together non of us had the heart to leave one another, so we had agreed to go to where me and Thomas once lived since no one else new exactly where they once lived.

So here we are know sitting in the back of a government car, one girl, four boys being driven to a house in a place called Beacon Hills. My head rested on Thomas's shoulder as he and the others where fast asleep, me on the other hand couldn't since if I went to sleep I didn't know what would happen if I woke up.

"We should be arriving at your fathers old house in an about 20 minutes, they should wake up now" one of the agents who sat in the front of the car said to me, "okay" I answered turning to shake Tommy's shoulder, "Tommy it's time to wake up we're nearly there" I say shaking his shoulder harder than last time.

He woke up with a start glancing round quickly before his gaze landed back on me, "are we nearly there?" He questioned rubbing his eyes, "yeah not long know" I told him before nudging Minho and Frypan awake, "come on shanks wake up we're nearly free" I said in a slight humours tone to them as Frypan shook Gally awake.

I went back to staring out the window as the boys took up convocations between them as the 20 minutes went on before we pulled up to the house.

"We've arrived" the agent who was driving said, we all looked out the window seeing that there where some people standing out side with excited expressions on their faces, "who are those people standing out there?" Thomas questioned before everyone managed to get out of the car, "they a few of the people who we found that where close to you and you father before you where taken" one told as everyone got out.

Thomas took the lead he held onto my hand tight as I follow close behind then Minho, Frypan and Gally.

"Oh my god Zoe!" The red head of the small group in front of us squealed crashing into me and trapping me in a bone crushing hug. I moved to get into a defensive stance but the girl had quite a strong grip on her, "where have you been we've all missed you so much, I just can't believe your here and your still alive and I mean I missed you so much don't even do that again" she rambled on squeezing me hard.

"Please stop squeezing me, I can't breath" I wheeze out as she lets go apologetically, "I just can't believe you guys are actually here" she said smiling brightly at me and Thomas. We looked confusedly at her not understanding what she meant, "I'm really sorry but I don't know who Zoe is I'm Piper and this is my Twin Thomas we don't remember who guys are either?" I admit to her as Thomas nods in agreement Minho and Gally had taken up a slight defensive stance behind me as Frypan stood beside me all three of them stared at the people in front of us as if daring them to attack us.

"You don't remember who we are?" A tanned skin boy with a crooked jaw spoke up moving forward to talk, "only small bits and pieces that's all were really sorry but as Piper said we don't know who Zoe is" Thomas said to him as a look of pain feel over the tanned boys face, "but Stiles you and Zoe are like my siblings you've gotta remember us" he said in a desperate act to make us remember.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" Gally said in disbelief, "common Thomas how do we know we can trust them" he told us as we looked at the people in front of us.

"He is telling the truth shanks how do we know we can trust them for all we know they could be working for the slintheads at WICKED" Frypan whispered to us as he studied them. "You've got a point Fry but they could help us" I tell him.

By know the agents had left leaving three bags and two boxes with us and the strangers in front of us.

"Why don't we all go inside and discuss this inside shall we" an older looking tanned lady piped up with a sad expression on her face as me and Thomas along with the rest of the strangers nodded Gally, Minho and Frypan just followed us as we made our way inside the house with the bags and boxes.

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