Pain is but a friend

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I ran through the sand kicking it up with every step I took, I was quicker than the others, I'd always had been the fastest in the maze probably why WCKD wanted both me and Thomas for their final experiment. I'm brave, smart and strong a few of the attributes that they were looking for.
I looked over my shoulder to see Malia trying desperately to keep up with Minho and Thomas, Scott followed behind them with Liam close on his tail whilst Brenda, Kira and Lydia took up the rear of the group. I smirked seeing how Thomas and Minho had turned it into a race seeing who was the quickest of the pair. I looked back ahead of me to see a building coming up in the distance it was the old WCKD base a good 600 yards ahead of us, "we made it shanks" I called back to the rest of the group as we got closer and closer.

I slowed to a steady jog as we arrived at the building, I went ahead first scouting out the area with one of my guns in hand, kicking back the door I chucked a rock inside to set off any traps or to get the attention of any cranks who maybe hiding out here. After waiting a few moments I entered scanning through each room before whistling to the others. "It's all clear get in here slintheads" I shouted as the sounds of footsteps got closer and closer until I saw my brother and Minho walking in first followed by everyone else.

"You still scare me with that gun" Thomas muttered as I put my gun away, "not my fault don't wear a WCKD uniform and you'll be fine" I told him as he shrugged his shoulders wouldn't be the first time you've nearly shot me shank" he quipped as Brenda started fiddling with a control panel. "You two joy rides wanna finish up over there and get butts here know WCKD teach still isn't that easy to read you know" Brenda ordered as we rushed over to a few other control panels and began working trying to get the messenger system back online.

"Have You rerouted the power housing maintenance through the back subletting system?" I questioned Thomas he ducked under the panel pulling out a large chip as the whole thing came to life. "Or we could pull the emergency back chip" he smirked as I shook my head at him "what ever klunk head" I stated opening up communication channels to every nearby system possible. "I'm recalculating the co-ordination to 255 megahertz should make the signal stronger" I explained typing away at the screen.

"Have You cheeked the channel live link?" Lydia suggested moving past to stand by looking at what I'm doing, quickly flick a few switches as a low beeping begins being emitted from the panel. "And we are on the radio waves?" I say high fifing Thomas before nodding to Lydia in acknowledgment.

Suddenly a screen on the far side of the room lit up as a transmission was begin to show on the screen.

"Good evening gladers" The rat mans voice rang venomously as his face showed up. "Rat man the last I saw you, Well I wasn't really expecting to see you up and running" Thomas sassed glaring at the man on the screen who scowled at Thomas, "yes well not even one of your bullets could put a stop to the work I do Thomas surely you would have learned that by now" Janson states his voice is dripping with frustration.

I felt something inside snap as I looked at the man who had made my life a misery for so many years before we were freed. "You son of a bitch where is he? Where the hell are they?" I shouted the screen moving closer staring him down. "Tell me where they are!" I shouted tears now blurring my vision, "Piper, Piper, Piper you know all you have to do is ask, since when have I ever not done what you asked" he smirked sickeningly.

"I think it's time for a nice warm welcoming from WCKD don't you?" He seemed to be stalling "show me where they god damn are Rat Man?" I shouted once again. "Anything for you Piper" He cackled before addressing other people, "Ladies and gentlemen, I believe there is someone who very much wishes to see you all" he stated before pressing a button.

My heart stopped. Tear flowed freely down my face.

"Tommy! Minho, Brenda..... Piper.... bloody hell its you"

"Thomas I new it I new it" a happy excited voice spoke up from beside the one person I couldn't believe was really there, "Minho you guys are alive!" I heard Alby's voice say. I could sense Thomas had also started crying as had Minho, "Oh my god... Chuck.... Alby your alive!" They began saying before looking at Newt "your really alive". "Wait Stiles... Zoe?" We heard a voice say from behind them as a three other people appeared behind them, "Alison?" Scott chocked as Lydia began crying, "Scott! Lydia oh my god guys!" Alison cried moving closer to the screen, "Aiden" Lydia choked upon seeing the boy.

"Lydia your alright" he sighed in relief as Malia and Derek spotted one another through the camera. "Malia you're here!" He said glad to see his cousin after so long of being away.

"Where are you? We're coming to get you I promise" I stated looking at all the people there. "Now now Piper those aren't the rules remember" Janson states as the screen switches back to him the distant calls of the people we care about in the background. All of us protested calling their names as he looked at us in a pissed off manner.

"Complete the trial is we want Piper, both you and Thomas are vital to end this" he said as both me and Thomas growled at him.

"I think I need to put another bullet in your head Rat Man" Thomas stated angrily.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Thomas see, you do that I punish you all starting with Newton and in all honesty after what happened last we met I don't think your twin is that willing to lose him again are you Thomas?" He questioned as it flashed to our friends in the cell guns pointed at each one of them.

Before it went black.

"No!" I shouted pushing past everyone to get back to the control panel, "bring 'em back, bring 'em back!" I growled whilst crying.

"Newt... Newt!" I cried running back to the screen hitting it with my hands, I felt three pairs of arms grab hold of me pulling me back. "Let me go! Newt!" I cried harder as I began to feel numb.

"Tommy please I need to get 'em back" I croaked as my brother pulled me closer to him.

"We'll find him Pip I promise you we'll find them all" he said looking round the room at all the depressed faces. "No body is getting left behind this time" he told us as I stared at the screen, welcoming the pain like an old friend.

Till I see you again (TWxTMR)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang