📜codes and riddles📜

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Thomas/Stiles view:

It had been a year since me, Piper and the others got back, we had regained most of our memories, everything that had happened to us; the supernatural, our moms death everything.

Minho, Gally and Frypan stuck well away from the pack when ever they where around. I hated that everyone called me and Piper, Stiles and Zoe.

Those people died the day they where taken by WICKED.

What's worse is that everyone treated us like we were broken, which was an understatement, we where well beyond broken and nothing that anyone did could fix what was wrong with us.

When we got back it was a really bad time a kid called Theo showed up than a bunch of shit happened with the Chimeras then the beast, one of the Chimeras, Donovan he was trying to kill me because of something that happened between my dad and his.

He kept threatening Piper, saying how he'd find her and kill her slowly and painfully before ending her life right in front of me before killing me, I had to keep my twin safe I couldn't loss her like I lost everyone else.

But it was an accident, I didn't mean for him to get killed I was just using self defence to stop him from killing me.

I didn't know that the one of the scaffolding poles would have killed him, it was an accident, the Gladers and my sister could see that when I told them. But not him.

He couldn't see it that way, he just saw me as a murderer, I already new I was, I had killed people in the past but he didn't know that, the pack didn't know that.

I'm only human after I can't be perfect and not kill anyone, if didn't my family would be dead as would I.

But the effects of what happened I would never have thought.

They kicked both me and Piper out of the pack since she was my sister and just as unstable as I was they couldn't have any imperfections in their pack, I saw what it did to my sister, she was just starting to warm up to them just started answering every so often to her old name Zoe, but know, know she only had me and the gladers.

They all shunned us, ignored us, didn't want anything to do with us.

But I learnt a valuable lesson that day.

Who my real family was.

My twin and my glader brothers.


"Hey shanks" Minho greeted me as him and Gally sat down with me, Piper and Frypan, "what's up slinthead?" Piper shot back at him with a smirk, going back to the salad that she was eating.

"Nothing much really just passed a pop quiz from coach that we've already taken like three times from WICKED" he answered as Gally nodded along as well.

We are in silence mostly not trusting whether to talk out loud or not when there was a group of supernatural beings a few tables over from us. "I'm gonna go get my history homework from my locker you gonna come with me Pip?" I asked her as she finished her salad, "yeah I need to get mine from my locker anyway, we'll see you shanks in a bit" she said getting up grabbing her bag before we walked out of the cafeteria towards we're our lockers where.

"Do you miss it?" I heard Piper say from next to me as we arrived at our lockers, "do I miss what? Piper" I say looking at her, "do you ever miss the maze?" She asked in a sad tone.

"Yes and no it's hard to explain" I say opening my locker immediately noticing an envelope there it had my name on it but it was that only two people have ever called me.

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