😧Old faces😧

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Newts POV:

I sat against the wall of the cell, I'd been locked in here for three hours since I'd punched one of the guards for trying to separate Theresa from the rest of us.

My hands were sore along with the rest of my body, I hardly sleep some times in fear of what might happen if I do.

I kept think of Piper and Tommy as well as the others who managed to escape over a year ago, but I mostly thought of Piper.

My dearest Piper.

The girl I tried to protect.

The girl I love.

I some times wonder whether she was alive or not, I hopped she was I knew for a fact Tommy wouldn't let anything hurt her, no matter what he'd keep her safe and that's all I cared about. Her being safe was all that mattered to me in life.

I stared at the wall patiently wait for them to open the door and let me back in with the others. They never held any of us in these cells longer than a few hours at most.

"Had enough time to think over your actions Newton?" Ratman said as the door opened. He moved further into the room, each step he took getting closer and closer to me, "I don't think I heard an answer Newton?" He said a fake frown gracing his in-despicable rat like looking face.

"Get up" he stared kicking my foot when I didn't respond to him.

I got up slowly not daring to look him in the face as he grabbed onto my arm before dragging me out of the room towards where the others are. He entered the security code in to the panel, the door slid open revealing my friends, new and old waiting for me to get back "now dont make a habit of this Newton, you remember what happened to one of the girls from group B" he snarled into my ear before pushing into the room making the door close instantly after I landed on the floor. I felt hands on my shoulders as two of my friends helped me up from the floor, "that was a stupid move Newt we're trying to find a way out of here not get our selves locked up even more" I heard Jeff say, "he's right Newt, we have to try and find a way out of here" I heard Theresa say from were she sat across the room "but thank you for sticking up for me it means a lot" she said giving me a gentil smile in which I return.

"How do you know we're even gonna get out of here, its been two weeks since you sent those letters to your friends how do you know that they've even got them?" Aiden questioned, his twin Ethan nodded in agreement, "I know that their coming for us, Thomas and Piper would never abandon us if they now that we're alive" Winston told them, the other Gladers nodded along to what he said. I saw Erica and Cora working away on the computers' that where in here with us, both girls were trying to hack into WCKD systems in an attempt to work out why we where all here. "Found anything yet" I ask walking up to them, "we've gotten past most of the fire walls and security blocks I say another few hours at most and we should have gotten access to all their systems and then we might actually be getting some where" Erica answered for the pair, "but that's if we don't get" Cora added Erica nodded at that they past another fire wall "we won't get caught there aren't any bugs or anything in here, the only one we found was on Theresa who managed to tell us straight away with out them figuring out, and this room is sound proof with guards standing out side with surveillance that covers the whole corridor that's monitored 24/7 so yeah the only way out is by the air vents but even those dont lead outside" Isaac told moving to stand next to us as we watched the girls crack several different codes.

"Not wanting to be the downer or anything but what would happen if they did find out that we've been hacking into there systems for the past two days and know all about the security that their using to make sure we stay in here" Jackson said moving from where he stood leaning against the wall, "Piper got thrown in the maze when they caught her trying to send information to the right arm, they did the same thing to Thomas two years later seeing he didn't learn from his twins mistakes" Alby told him getting off the bunk he had been lying on.

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