😠You shouldnt be here😠

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Pipers POV:

We'd just pulled up to a compound like area on the edge of the scorch, it was kind of like a half way home for people to stay before they leave the scorch, Brenda and Jorge used it as their base a lot so we new where to look if we ever need their help.

"You think their in?" Minho questioned as we walked up to the building, Thomas shrugged "there's only one way to find out" he said pushing open the heavy metal door. There where some people inside, many looked like they'd been there for a few days at least, we wondered through them towards the back of the compound where a workshop sizes building stood.

"Jorge, Brenda you here?" Thomas shouted cupping his hands round his mouth as he shouted out, Gally knocked on the door as we stood waiting for an answer.

"Well we were until a few minutes ago when we went to get supplies"we heard a voice say behind us making us all turn around in smiling like mad men.

"Brenda, Jorge" I exclaimed running towards Brenda crashing into her open arms. "Lightning, it's been ages!" She said calling me by my nickname of hers, "yeah well you must have really missed this gorgeous face" I say signalling towards my face, "in ya dreams lightning" she said laughing at my face, "what are you Gladers doing all the way out here, ain't you a bit far from your little paradise" Jorge questioned after greeting the others.

"We missed the adventures" Thomas said looking round.

"Quite the acting Thomas never been good at it what do you need help with?" Brenda ordered him, shaking her head slightly at him her arm hooked over my shoulders, "we kinda got sent here" Frypan said as we headlined back in, "by who WCKD?" Jorge asked looking between us.

"No by the dead" I say in a solemn voice. "Wait what the hell do you mean by the dead?" Brenda questioned looking puzzled at me, "the Trials aren't over" Thomas responds both Brenda and Jorge look at him in surprise.

"We each got letters in our lockers today at school, they where all sent by certain people" Frypan explained pulling out his letter from his jacket, both Minho and Gally copy his actions pulling out their letters as well, "the letters where sent by people who shouldn't have been able to send them" Gally continues passing his letter to Jorge.

"Who are they from?" Brenda asked looking between me and Tommy, "they were sent by Newt, Theresa and from the sounds of it anyone else who we thought was dead but isn't" I finish off, passing her one of my letters.

"And your here because you've been sent here to get our help?" Jorge asked us as we all nod, "yeah that's it really, are you in?" Tommy says looking between the two.

"For you hermano, we'd follow into battle" Jorge addressed him.

Scott's POV;

Liam and Malia had their heads stuck out the windows of Lydia's car as we followed the strong scent of Zoe and Stiles, I followed close behind them on my motorcycle as the surroundings changed into a sand like waste land, we'd been following the two scents for the past forty minutes.

I kept glancing at Liam then at Malia every so often to see whether something had changed or not, I looked ahead to see where we where heading, the sun set low behind us as we arrived in a compound like town area.


I heard Malia shout as both Lydia and I screeched our vehicles to stop as both were's jumped out of the windows that they had previously been leaning out of.

"The scents lead here, and.. and there are tire tracks," Liam said squatting down and pointing out the tracks, "so what they went all the way out here to this run down joint" Kira asked sounding quite unimpressed as she slammed Lydia's car door shut.

"Lets go look around, maybe we can find them?" Lydia suggested pointing towards the buildings, I nodded leading the way as we made our way slowly and cautiously towards the slightly abandoned looking buildings that the twins scents where coming from.

We moved into the court yard area seeing that a lot of the windows where blocked out by planks of wood, "I wonder who use to own this place" I heard Liam whisper.

"Dunno just be extra careful, who knows what could be hiding here" I told them all earning a nod from each person.

We moved closer in search of a possible way in, I could just pick several heart beats coming from the building signalling that they where here.

I stood in the centre allowing for my eyes to wrack the whole visible exterior whilst tracking the sounds of the heart beats, "their close I can hear them" Liam said as we moved closer to the entrance of the building.

Then this blaring alarm went off as all of us with enhanced hearing clasped our hands over our ears to block out the noice. "Guys get back" I shouted out to Kira and Lydia who stood by the wall and then moved over to where me, Malia and Liam where standing in the centre opposite the doors. Both Malia and Liam had their claws out along with their fangs, I pushed Lydia behind me since she was carrying anything to protector her self with.

Soon people came running out aiming guns at us, they had things covering most of their faces with along with classes making it hard to tell what they looked.

Two people where saying for us to hold our hands in the air, whilst they moved closer to check for any weapons on us.

I could smell Stiles and Zoe in amongst them along with the similar scents of the other three, I saw one of the two girls looking at Liam oddly, "Wait shanks, wait... wait we know them alright we know them!" The Girl shouted pulling down the scarf that was covering most of her face to reveal that it was Zoe, she rushed in front of us getting in the way of most of the guns that where pointed in our direction.

"What the shuck are you slintheads doing here!" The one I think is called Gally shouted at us as they lowered their guns, "we where worried about the twins" Lydia said moving forward grabbing hold of Zoe's arm.

"Common Zoe let's get back to Beacon hills" She told her gesturing he in the direction of the car, "who is Zoe?" The other girl there said standing right by Stiles, "please Stiles you don't have to do what ever you think you have to do let's just go back home where your safe!" Lydia pleaded to him.

"Hermano who is she talking to?" The older man who stood to Stiles left asked, "No" Stiles stated putting his gun away.

"No Stiles come on this is dangerous just come back home" Lydia said letting go of Zoe's arm and moving closer to Stiles, "why are you bloody here?!" Zoe asked directly to me sounding frustrated at the fact we where here.

"We're here because you just left okay and the last time something like that happened you were missing for two years and your dad died" Malia explained moving closer to Lydia.

"Go back to Beacon hills" Gally told us shaking his head as he moved to stand by Zoe.

"Look Piper they shouldn't be here alright we're waisting time here with them when we could be out looking for Newt!" He told to her making her whole personality change, and again with the Newt guy who was he really we hardly new anything about the guy so was so really important to them.

"You shouldn't even be here let alone do you even care about us so get lost and off back to your little wolf dens!" Zoe's said scowling at us, if looks could kill we would have all been dead minutes ago.

"We do care alright just... just let us stay alright, you guys know we have skills that can help you just please let us stay so that we don't loss you again!" Lydia said pleading to Stiles.

"Please Stiles.....Zoe please" Malia said sounding a lot quieter than normal.

"Zoe and Stiles are dead, and their never coming back" Zoe spat turning round and leaving being closely followed by the other girl.

"Look you can stay if you want cause you guys are way to stubborn and would just follow us any way but I swear you get in our.... Pipers way, then your gonna be wishing you never followed us out here" Stiles said turning round and heading the same direction as his Twin.

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