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Lydia's prov;

Malia stayed behind to listen in on them, even when though she was stubborn about she still stayed to listen. I didn't care whether Scott had the twins kicked out of the pack or not I still cared about them especially after they went missing for two years, we'd finally started getting the old Zoe back before Scott went and kicked both Stiles and Zoe out, "why did you make Malia stay behind?" Kira questioned me as we headed towards Scott, "because something is up with the twins and I want to know what even if their not in the pack any more if something bad happens who knows what might happen to them, remember the last time something happened to them their dad ended up dying because he was so heart broken, I'm not about to stand by and watch as I loss more of my friends we've already lost so many people I'm not about to loss more" I explain shaking my head at hostile they were towards us earlier especially Zoe when I tried to open her letter.

"Who cares Stiles murdered someone there's a reason why they aren't in the pack anymore" Kira argued back sounding just like Scott did the day he told that he'd kicked them out of the pack, "yeah but did he ever hear Stiles out about, do you know Stiles point of view on the matter cause I for one do not so if you know what happened from stiles point of view than do please enlighten me on it because I'm starting to think twice on Scotts judgment here" I state marching towards where Scott and Liam were standing.

I was just about to start speaking to him when the bell went and Malia came speeding towards us, "they've left school... they've gone back to Stiles and Zoe's house to talk in private more" she blabbed on to me, "wait what are you on about Malia?" Scott questioned looking weirdly at her, "something's going on with them Scott they all got letters that where in their lockers, I told Malia to stay behind and find out more on what's going on with them" I explained to him seeing him wear a stern yet curious look on his face.

"And what where they talking about?" He questioned as we all listened in on what she had to say, "they where readying out code and a riddle I think something to do with some clues to find something or someone I'm not quite sure but they seemed really effected by it as if it was the most important thing that they have to work out" she told us, "Zoe then suggested that they go back to their place to talk more about it in private it was like she could sense that I was listening in or something" she went on the explain.

"No something's spooked them that's what is going on something scared them or something and their trying to work it out" Scott theorised from what he's heard.

"No they didn't smell like they where scared more like they where shocked, Zoe smelled like she was close to tears over what ever was in that envelope.

"Scott we have to do something what if something bad happens to them and they go missing again we need to find out what the hell is going on or else something bad might happen" I try to reason with him.

"No!" He states crossing his arms over his chest.

"What?" I say in disbelief "what do you mean no their our friends Scott, their family we have to make sure their okay at least for the Sheriffs sake Scott" I say in a pleading tone knowing that he isn't thinking straight, "their not family Lydia alright they stopped being family the moment Stiles killed someone they are not our friends nor are they pack, they lost all that when he killed some one alright he's a murderer" Scott agued at me.

"For god sake Scott can you just forget that for one moment there is something doesn't that warrant some kind of attention since it could affect everyone" I try and persuade him, "i don't know why your so bothered by it Lydia" Liam added in seeing that Scott was debating what I said.

"I'm bothered because it's effecting my friends and I want to know why... I already lost them once I don't want to loss them again okay" I say looking at Scott.

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