😖Who is Newt?😖

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Pipers POV:

I looked at the maps that Jorge had brought out for us to make plans, we would start traveling in the morning to head out further into the Scorch, there we'd find one of the old WCKD base that we partially blew up when we where last here, from there we'd be able to signal the right arm through some of the old radios that Brenda had from our last encounter with them.

I was the only one awake since it was nearly one am, I couldn't sleep not after today events, though I had a slight hunch that Tommy and Minho weren't asleep either.

I looked over the codes that we had decoded.

1•SOS KILL ZONE----------- 2•RIGHT ARM

I couldn't work out what kill zone meant, we'd never come across before so we had a guess that's why we had to get hold of the Right Arm they have patrols through out most of the scorch so they'd most likely now what that means.

"You should be getting some sleep" I heard Scott say walking up behind me,  "yeah well when you have a day like I've just had you'd struggle to get a wink of sleep" I say turning to look at him.

"Well we both know we've had many a days like this in the past haven't we" he said looking over at one of the maps of the scorch.

"Why are you talking to me Scott better yet why did you guys follow us all the way out here?" I asked him seeing him stiffen at my question. "Lydia kinda said something that made me want to check on you guys" he said looking over to where Malia and Lydia where huddled up next to each other asleep. "And what was that?" I asked looking at him as sadness became clear as day on his face, "you now how your dad died before you and Stiles where found?" He reminded me as my insides twisted at thought I wouldn't see my dad ever again, "yeah how could an orphan forget something like that" I say turning away from him, "your dad made me promise something to him.... that when you guys came home I had to promise to look out and make sure you guys are safe since he couldn't any longer" he told me.

What surprised the both of us next was that I immediately went to hug him, wrapping my arms around his middle as I buried my head into his chest. "Thank you for being there for him" I mumble feeling him wrap his arms round me, "it was nothing" he said before we both let go of one another, I new I couldn't stay mad at him but I had to remember what he did to Thomas and I, he kicked the pair of us out of pack, just because of something that was an accident and most likely planned by Theo.

"Can I ask you a question?" He said after I moved to the opposite side of the table to look over one of the riddles, "yeah what ever" I stated blowing off what ever happened a few moments ago.

"Who's Newt?" He went straight to the point, my heart shattered at the mention of his name, the others had been so careful about saying his name but these guys didn't get because they have no clue we are and what we've become. "Why do you ask?" I say my voice just threatening to crack, "we kind of went to your house Lydia remembered where your spare house key was so when we search your room for any clue on where you guys could have gone we found pictures of this boys you'd drawn called Newt, I'd found your Nightmare log and we kind of read one of your nightmares, you kept mentioning this boy called Newt, Lydia guessed you guys must of had a connection whilst you where missing though from what we can gather he didn't make it did he?" He finished explaining leaving me shocked that they'd been through my things.

"I don't have to tell you anything" I say not wanting to say anything else to him. "Hey don't you think we deserve to now some thing about what the hell we've just gotten our selves into, who the hell is Newt and why is he so important to you guys?" He interrogated moving closer to me.

"Why do you want to know so bad, we gave you a choice Scott, you can follow us seen you guys are to Hard headed and stubborn to leave things alone or to get your asses back to Beacon hills where you guys are safe" I argued back at him.

"Because I want to know what happened to you guys whilst you where missing and if getting to know this Newt guys means it helps then I want you to tell me who the hell this guy is" he snapped back at me making you me sigh.

"Fine you win you really want uk know so badly who Newt is than fine I'll tell you" I say shaking my head moving back away from him.

"You now the basics of what happened we where all kidnapped by WCKD all the others parents where murdered by WCKD part from mine and Thomas's," I say seeing him nod, I sighed shaking my head as a way to calm down a bit.

"Newt was the first face I saw that I could remember meeting when I went missing, they took my memories away from me and left me with just my name and a small memory of Thomas, he looked out for me, made sure I was safe, I was in that maze for two years, in those two years I feel in love with Newt, he was everything to me, hell so was I, I nearly died from being stung by this huge creature and whilst I was in a coma he tried to kill him self because he didn't think I'd ever come back so when I woke up to find him in a medical bed with a severely broken leg, I was heart broken" I said feeling my eyes welling up with tears.

"For the next year after that I spent as much as I could with him making sure he was okay, and then Thomas finally showed up and everything started to change, Theresa the other girl who was in the trails with us showed up a day or two after him. Then him, Minho and I found a way out of the maze which we escaped through, loading most of our friends because of. We were then taken to a WCKD base were we found out were weren't the only maze, they tried to separate me from the rest of the boys at one point even going as far as making me sit with a table full of girls, whom I had no clue how to talk to, but I'd alway find my way back to him and he'd always make sure I was safe" I felt the tears slowly trickle down my cheeks.

"We escaped but after a few weeks of fighting against WCKD something happened to Newt that made him sick and he became terrified of him self in fear he'd hurt me, so he went away to protect us, but umm something else happened I found a letter written by him saying everything that he'd wanted to say in person but didn't have the time to say and so when we destroyed WCKD, and we final celebrated their demise. I found out he was gone and that he was never coming back to me.....he didn't even say good bye to me.....he left me......so from that moment on I swore that no body could ever fill the gap that had opened up in my heart..... that no body would ever be worthy of taking Newts place" I finished telling him choking back a sob as tears flooded down my cheeks.

"There now you know who Newt is alright you happy now?" I say glaring at him as I tried to cover my emotions.

"I.... Zoe...I didn't know that if we'd known maybe...." he said shocked before I stopped.

"There's no point.... stuff like that happens Scott... you of all people now nothing special in our lives lasts forever" I say to him seeing the pain in his eyes as we both thought of Allison.

"I now how you feel Zoe I've been through what your feeling" he said trying to comfort me but it had no effect on me and only made me more annoyed at him.

"Oh for the love of god stop calling me Zoe alright Zoe's dead she ain't coming back alright she's been dead for near four years will you just give up on getting her back okay stop thinking that I'm her because I'm not the reason I'm alive is because she's gone so get over them alright Stiles and Zoe aren't coming back so get over it because there's no point" I exclaimed scowling at him for calling me that.

"But....but..." he seemed shocked by outburst, I shock my head looking down at the floor not wanting to see his face anymore, "just go back to sleep Scott" I said turning round and heading back over to where Brenda was asleep not far from Thomas and Minho.

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