In this cell fire will burn

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Thomas's POV;

I sat quietly counting my ammo, as I listened to Piper and Brenda planning on whether to go by foot or vehicle, "Cranks are out over here, if we take this way through this area of the city towards the Maze, we might be at a slight higher chance of running into people who could be with WCKD but we would be a hell of a lot safer from the Cranks" Piper explained pointing at one of the maps, "yeah but if we head on the outskirts of Crank city then we're less likely to get caught by WCKD" Brenda counter argues, "but the main question is how do we get there if we go by car we're at a higher risk of being tracked even if it cuts off a day or so, but if we go by foot it's easier for us to hide we less likely to get caught down side is it may take an extra day if we don't move fast enough" Piper added rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah well we can do the running what about that lot from back where your from can they keep up?" She asked quietly looking over to where Jorge was showing Lydia and Liam how to load a gun whilst Malia, Scott and Kira stood by watching.

"I really don't know anymore" she answered moving to sit by me, "we're gonna have to go in a few minutes if we want to get there before full moon" Piper whispered to me as I nodded putting away my ammo and gun. "We're gonna run it aren't we?" I say looking at her with a smirk seeing her eyes light up, Piper loved to run.

"Hell ya, you wanna save Newt and who ever else is with him we're gonna run" she informed me to which I nodded.

"We better go" Brenda said picking up her guns.

"Alright everyone times up, we're moving out, there's an old Right Arm base about 20 miles east from there we only about two miles from Crank city where there use to be an old WCKD base on the outskirts where we can access one of the old Communications channels to get ahold of the right arm" Brenda shouted as both Piper and I got up, the others joined us as we moved towards the exit. "We'll have to run
if we want to make it there by nightfall, or else WCKD stands a better chance of catching us" Minho said looking over one of the maps in his hand.

"Don't tell me your quacking in your little boots are you Minho," I smirked as Piper snorted quietly. "Ha ha ha very funny Thomas... no I am not quacking in my little boots" Minho mimicked me as Jorge chuckled "you boys need to learn how to get along... I'll see you all in a couple days" he stated as Scott looked at him in confusion "wait your not coming with?" He questioned as Jorge shook his head.

"No little wolf, Frypan, Gally and myself shall be meeting you at markers 34-26 in a few days it's rumoured to be the trading route controlled by WCKD, me and the boys are going to have a look round before meeting you lot at the Maze." He explained as Gally and Frypan nodded.

"Look after yourselves shanks, I'm not ready to say goodbye to your klunk looking mugs just yet" Piper chimes in smirking as before boys give her a dirty look.

"Whatever Greenie" Gally joked as we dispersed into two groups.

"You wolves think you can keep up?" Brenda questioned as Lydia and Kira shared a look, "definitely!" Malia and Liam stated in time with one another whilst Scott nodded. "Then you better make sure you stretched" Minho spoke before sprinting off soon being followed after by Piper and Brenda and finally the rest of us, as we run into the fake scorch.

Newts POV

We were being lead down some corridors; Allison, Aidan, Alby, Derek and myself. Rat man was in front leading the way as we entered into this large room with several cells inside, one seemed to already have someone inside.
"Well Charles we brought you a gift thought you could use the company" Rat Man laughed as the figure moved to reveal a slightly older looking Chuck, he hadn't changed much just matured a bit.

"Chuck!" I called happy to see the younger boy alive, "Newt, Alby?! You guys your here!" He called back excited to see us. "I missed you little man" I said as me and Alby rushes up the the bars of the cell he was in, "tell me about, who are these guys and what do they want with us?" He asked looking scared as he looked between the pair of us, "we're not sure it's got something to do with Piper and Thomas though so don't worry Alright they'll come help!" Alby told him as he looked hopeful upon hearing the twins names, "awesome!" He looked so much happier than a few moments ago at the shear prospect of Thomas and Zoe saving us.

"Enough chatter, our scanners have picked up some images of a group of individuals running through the scorch as we speak... they'll be at the old base south east of here in a matter of hours so here's hows it's going to play out each one of you is important to the individuals that we've spotted so we're going to send them a greeting message.... a little warm welcoming to the scorch if you will" Janson stated as the cell door opens "until then you shall be kept under surveillance for the next 48 hours oh and don't worry we've taken into account some of you special abilities... not even an armoured battling ramp can break through these bars" he heckled as Derek, Alby, Alison, Myself and Aidan were forced into the cell as the door slammed shut as we were left alone in this cage like prison. Immediately Chuck latched onto Alby with tears in his eyes "shuck you guys have no idea how good it is to see you" he muttered as Alby wrapped his arms round the younger boy, "we missed you too Chucky" he told patting his back as I turned to address the others.

"This here's Chuck youngest in the Glade risked his life for Thomas's when we made it out of the maze... broke both Piper and all of our hearts when this little guy died... it's good to have you back pal" I said as Chuck moved to hug me, "she's still coming here right Newt, Piper and Thomas won't forget about us right?" He questioned looking at me in fear, "Those two would never dream of abandoning us, they'll get here alive and kick WICKED's arse I swear on it" I tell him as he nodded solemnly.

"Do you think I have a chance with Piper?" He asked cheekily same as he did back in the maze, "why you little bugger just cause you grew a foot or so doesn't mean I'm letting you have her that easily" I laughed for the first time in months.

"It was worth a shot"

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