Read My Lips: Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Zach’s p.o.v

As I left Maisie’s house, I couldn’t help but feel bad. She was worried about why I had to leave, and I felt awful about the fact that I couldn’t tell her. All I could do was stare dumbly at my phone which was in my hands as I walked to my destination.

I need to meet you. Come to the usual fighting place. Tell anyone and I’ll kill you. M.

It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for me to receive a text like this, but the end part, for some reason, made me nervous. I don’t think he’d ever sent me a text like that before. However, it made my more angry than nervous. How dare he threaten to kill me?

Following my usual route, I made my way to the dark alley where most of the fights I got involved with took place. The text gave me a bad feeling and I wasn’t sure how to feel about it. It didn’t scare, I knew that for sure. Nothing scared me, I didn’t get scared.

The alley walls were covered in graffiti. It was obvious that this was where gangs of people hung out at. Smashed alcohol bottles were scattered along the edges of the walls as well as broken crates. It was your typical alley where fights were held. The dark just added a more eerie feel to the alley.

A dark hooded figure lurking in the corner of the alley caught my attention straight away. I didn’t have to think twice before I knew who it was. And like every previous time, I made my way towards him before standing in front of him with no emotion on my face.

“What do you want now, Max?” I demanded, folding my arms across my chest. This guy was probably the most irritating man you could ever wish to meet.

His pale grey eyes stood out the most; they had an evil look to them. It also didn’t contribute well to his too skinny face off all the drugs he uses and the alcohol he drinks. His features made him look older. No one would really guess that this guy was only twenty-five years old.

Max chuckled at me before walking out of the dark shadows and pulling his hood down. “So, you haven’t been fighting lately.” He stated, the smell of alcohol lingering in his breath. The smell made me crinkle my nose in disgust.

“I’ve been a little pre-occupied, buddy.” I said referring to Maisie. Not that I’d ever tell him about her. Who knew what he’d do. He wasn’t one to think before he acted, that was for certain.

“Well, buddy,” He began copying my choice of words. “I, for one, miss you fighting around here. I won’t lie now; it is pretty fun watching you lose the upper hand slightly every once in a while.”

“Not that it’s any of you concern, but I’ve had more important things to deal with than fighting for you.”

He laughed a humourless laugh at my reply. “Sure you’ve had more important things to deal with. Note the sarcasm there buddy, I wasn’t been nice. Which I’m sure you knew. However, I need you fighting again.”

I stared at him as if he had suddenly grown another head. Was he been serious? Did he think he could threaten me to come here then order me like that? “You what?”

“You heard me. You need to fight for me again.” Max repeated. It wasn’t as if he was asking me to fight for him though, no, definitely not. He was demanding me to fight for him again. He wasn’t giving me a choice in the matter.

“No, absolutely not. I refuse to fight for you again.” I finalised. I wasn’t going to fight for him, Maisie was my priority and getting her through her operation this weekend was the only thing on my mind. Nothing would change the fact that she was my main priority. I’d do absolutely anything to make sure that she’d be safe.

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