Plz Don't Be Sad

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Taehyung carried Yoongi on his back, walking back to the dorms. Even though Yoongi said no to him, he couldn't help but be totally in love with the short boy.

The sun was slowly starting to rise, making Taehyung realise they really stayed out on the streets all night. He checked his watch which told the time. "5:29 a.m" he huffed a little, feeling tired from no sleep and carrying another person didn't really help.

"Taehyungie is cute~" Taehyung kept silent, listening to the scene that was playing out in Yoongis mind. "Taehyungie is cute!" He laughed quietly, trying to imagine what Yoongi looked like right now. "They're Taehyungies!" Yoongi snuggled into the younger boy more, feeling his warmth as he talked in his sleep. "Take it all Taehyungie~"

"Why can't you be like this in real life?" The youngers lips curved into a smile as he reached the dorms. He skillfully opened the door without making a sound before his eyes fell upon a certain someone.

"Where's Jimin?" He asked Jungkook who was still up whilst Jimin was sleeping with Namjoon in Jins old room. "Sleeping." Taehyung was going to just nod and then leave to Yoongis room but he didn't.

"You know something Jungkook? I used to call you my best friend. I used to think you were honestly such an amazing person. Used to. Now I don't even know."

He took a pause before continuing, "Did you ever even think about anyones feelings when you hurt them? You obviously didn't since you poisoned Hoseok! And then you say that it's all for me? It's not. You just fuck with people because you enjoy it. And Yoongi is way better. He wouldn't hurt anyone. Not like you do."

Jungkook smiled like a rebellious kid, as if to say "I honestly don't care." And Taehyung didn't care either. He was sick, tired, and exhausted of everything the golden maknae had put their group through. "Why can't you just leave Jimin alone huh? He wouldn't want to be with you if he knew everything."

The younger swiftly made his way too Taehyung, careful not to make a loud noise that could wake the other members up. "Don't come closer to me." He moved away from the other, still carrying Yoongi. Soon enough though, Jungkook came even closer to him, with a smile so giddy plastered across his face.

"Why should I?" He leaned in close to his face, going in for a kiss.

"Because he's mine dumb ass."

Before anyone could grasp control of the situation Yoongis fist had collided with Jungkooks jaw, causing a groan to escape his lips. "Don't touch him again. Got it?" He stared at Jungkook, trying to find an answer within his eyes.

He held his jaw before smirking at the other two then disappearing a few seconds later. "Well this was eventful." Yoongi nuzzled his nose against the back of Taehyungs neck, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Yep." He moved from their previous spot to go to his bedroom.

He would've just put Yoongi to bed but honestly, he was tired and just wanted to sleep for a while. He wanted to forget that the old man had a wife who didn't love him, forget that Jungkook was acting more like 'JungShook' and forget that Hoseok was in hospital. But most of all he wanted to forget that Yoongi rejected him.

"Tae? Shouldn't I sleep in my room? You can put me down y'know..." He kept walking until he reached his room. Lazily he opened the bedroom door then flopped down on the bed like a fish, not caring that Yoongi was on top of him.



"Just shut up and cuddle with me."

"Yes sir."

He got off the younger boys back then got under the covers with him. His arms wrapped around the youngers torso, pulling him closer so they could be warmer. Taehyung immediately responded by snuggling into the olders chest.

He wanted to fall asleep straight away but for some reason, being near Yoongi was making his heart beat ten times faster.

There was silence in the room for about ten or so minutes until Yoongi whispered to the younger, not sure if he was asleep or not yet, "Taehyungie I hope you know I don't ever want to be the person who hurts you. I don't ever want be the one to cause you pain. So even if you hate me for saying no, all I can say is plz don't be sad because I really thought I was doing the best thing for you. I guess you won't understand that though, 1, because rejection sucks and 2, you're asleep." But he wasn't. He heard everything.

The only thing that came into his mind was ,'You were doing the best thing for me?'

That one question lingered on and on until he slowly drifted off into a deep sleep, dreaming about the two finally having a chance to be a real couple. Would that ever be possible though?

A/N LEGIT SORRY IT WAS A SHORT CHAPTER AND I THINK I CAN UPDATE MORE SINCE I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING FOR MY FINAL PIECE IN ART SO YAYYY x'D Highlights (Beast) songs doeeee I really wish some people who loved Beast would support them as Highlight now because honestly they're so talented and amazing and its kinda funny how people are calling them a rookie group XDDDD Also; I will update 'Slidin In Those Dms |Taegi ' soon for the people who read both books xD byeeeee

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