Star Hill Academy

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     A very noticeable ginger girl approached the academy doors, hands in her pockets and a large smile on her face. She was just as excited as everyone else was to come here. An onyx-haired girl with bangs and her hood up seemed to follow rather close behind, her hands at her sides, as opposed to the more noticeable one. They obviously looked to be friends. "Shiro, um... Do you think there'll be any other ghouls here? That don't like eating people?..." The noirette spoke to the ginger quietly, in almost a whisper as they stopped just outside the building. "You're gonna have to find that out for yourself, Misuke. I don't know what types of people go here." The presumed 'Shiro' spoke, glancing over her shoulder to her friend for a moment with a reassuring expression. Without even giving her a chance to respond, the ginger continued up the remaining steps, letting her friend decide if she wanted to continue or not. It was most likely the best to let her take action and think later in a situation like this anyway... At least in Shiro's opinion. Misuke ran to catch up, obviously not wanting to get lost in the crowd of people around them. The ginger seemed to be a rather fast walker, having to even stop again to wait for her friend to catch up.

     "I can't wait to get our dorms!" Some strangers passing by would enthusiastically say to each other, entering the academy in an excited manner. Misuke would sigh, and continue along with Shiro, who had no problem immediately moving to enter the huge building as well. Looking around curiously, the noirette's expression changed rather quickly, her red eyes sparkling like rubies. It was a very appealing place, after all.

     "Ew, what's a ghoul doing here? I bet she's here just to watch all the food walk around." A girl with black hair and tan skin spoke from about a foot away to her friends, most definitely talking about Misuke at the entrance. There were about three or four other girls with her, who seemed to snort and laugh along with their so-called group leader.


     Shiro knew immediately what she was, she could almost see it in the way she stood. In an instant, the ginger's hands slipped out of her pockets, and she turned to face the group with a rather serious expression. She didn't appreciate them talking about her friend like that. Though, instead of getting hostile, she simply stepped forward, approaching them. Misuke gave her a questioning look, though remained where she was. She didn't want to get anywhere near those girls anyway...

     "I don't appreciate the trash that's coming out of your mouth. Spout it elsewhere, werewolf. Perhaps you should take a look at yourself before opening that mouth of yours." Shiro began, her expression surprisingly neutral as she tilted her head to the right. She stared at the group's leader as she spoke. A small, innocent yet condescending smirk arose from the ginger's look in a matter of a few seconds. All the werewolf could respond with was a low growl, a piercing glare being shot right back to the ginger as a reply. She seemed to mutter something, before spinning around and practically stomping off. She apparently wasn't that eager to cause a scene, or else the girl would have probably said something right back. The four others followed closely behind their 'leader', leaving Misuke and Shiro to their own once more.

     "Ha! I love how quiet people get when they realize they've done a bad thing." The ginger suddenly exclaimed, spinning on her heel just like that and making her way back over to her noirette friend by the school entrance, who was standing awkwardly in the same place she'd been before. Shiro rolled her shoulders back, her expression quickly changing to one of slight concern as her hands returned to her pockets. "You good?" She asked, turning to start walking again. Of course she was still going to wait for a reply, though she was ready to go whenever Misuke was. The noirette gave a nod, then a quiet wheeze, "Yeah, I'm fine... Thanks." She muttered, her left arm reaching up to rub the back of her neck by reflex. "No problem~... Anything for you." Shiro said in a partially joking tone, a small hum following her voice as she spoke. "Now let's go find an information booth before we get absolutely fucking destroyed by the amount of people in this place." She then added, beginning to start off once more. Misuke gave a quiet 'pf' in response.

     The girls stood in the back of the line for quite a while- Shiro letting Misuke go in front of her both for the fact that Misuke needs to socially interact more, and Shiro wanted to do the exact opposite. The ginger leaned back and forth on her heels, staring up at the ceiling for a bit as they waited. This would be a while... As they stood, Shiro vibed where she was in a surprising amount of silence, her hair just barely falling over her face while they waited. She was not the most patient type, as one could tell...

     After a bit, a nearly silent snicker seemed to sound from behind the ginger, the girl obviously glancing over her shoulder in response with the arch of a brow. There stood a brunet boy around Misuke and Shiro's age, with what looked to be a cup of water in-hand. It was raised above the two, and mostly over Shiro. He had froze in his tracks, though, as he'd immediately noticed the girl look over, and stopped what he was doing. "Er-" He began. Shiro blinked at him, simply staring for a second or two before turning around to face him and, without a word, reached up to the cup he was holding and tilted it, pouring it all over him instead. The ginger then gave a smile, spinning back around and returning her hands to her pockets. It was hard to tell, but she was quite happy that she now knew the whole school wasn't going to just be serious and stoic people. There were some comedic ones too. The boy gave a small wheeze upon being soaked, silently turning around to walk elsewhere and most likely dry himself off in the process. He was obviously bummed that his prank didn't work...

     He blamed it on himself for- somewhere along the lines of being too loud. There of course were plenty of other people to mess with, though now he regretted choosing the one that stood out the most... There weren't many gingers in the school and he took advantage of that- And it backfired... As he for some reason rethought all his life decisions, he suddenly tripped over a small furry object that'd just begun to run through his legs. He fell forwards with a yelp, landing on his face and only barely missing his nose, as his forehead had hit the ground first. "What in the hell-..." He muttered, slowly moving to sit up and rub his head with a groan. The brunet glanced around for a second, blinking thoroughly before letting his forest green gaze land on the tiny dog that was the cause of his downfall. It was a small, brown, fluffy dog with an upright and somewhat curly tail. It looked like a Pomeranian, of sorts. "Oh..." He blinked a few more times, staring at the thing before giving a small, loopy-looking smile. His head did hurt, after all. "Aw~, I'm sowwy I tripped over you, c'mere wittle buddy~" He began abruptly in tiny talk after a moment, holding his hands out to the dog beckoningly. The thing wagged its tail, panting as it seemed to practically waddle over to his open gesture.

     "Oh-ho-ho~, I don't think so." An unfamiliar voice suddenly spoke, a boy with white hair walking past the brunet to scoop up the little dog in his arms. The messy-haired brunet boy frowned at this, glancing up to the stranger with the dog confusedly. "Fluffball's my dog. I'm not letting... Strangers play with him right now." The snowy-haired boy continued, giving the dog in his grasp a pat on the head as he spoke, maybe a little too passive-aggressively. The strange boy had an odd-looking amulet  with a swirly purple substance inside hanging from his neck, which is what seemed to catch the brunet's attention first, though he slowly refocused onto the current topic, moving to stand with another groan. "Well maybe you shouldn't let your dog roam freely then if you don't want strangers to pet it." He huffed, now crossing his arms over his chest as he looked the pale boy up and down. "I'm Max by the way." He then seemed to add at a rather weird time, his stance remaining as he stared the white-haired boy down. "... Jin..." the boy then trailed off in response. "And maybe you shouldn't be tripping so easily in the first place, then we wouldn't be here." He then added as well, causing Max' expression to change to a frustrated one. "Well- You-" He began, awkwardly straightening himself out as his gaze suddenly roamed elsewhere. The info line was getting rather long...
"I- I need to go! Sorry but we're gonna have to leave this argument for next time because I really gotta go or else I won't be able to find my dorm and my schedule and- Well, you get the point! Cya!" The brunet seemed to spout, before suddenly rushing off in a random direction. Jin gave a slow blink. What just happened? How can a guy talk so fast yet still make sense?
The snowy-haired boy gave a wheeze after a moment, glancing down to his dog that remain where it was, happily in his arms. "What a weird guy..." He muttered after another second or two, patting the dog on the head. "You alright Fluffball?"

            The dog's tail gave a wag.

He gave a chortle, kneeling down to set the dog back on the ground. "Don't go too far this time, okay bud?" He said to the animal, the thing giving a small bark in response and almost immediately running off again. Of course... No matter how much mischief the ball of fur caused, Jin obviously loved him, no matter how stupid his actions may be.

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