Star Hill Academy (Continued)

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     Somewhere on the other side of the school, a short brunette girl with jade green eyes awkwardly wandered about, a school senior talking to her about classes and directions and so forth. The female seemed rather uncomfortable as they went along- For a good reason. Most of the students in the school weren't even human, and those that were... Well, they were the easy prey. This specific brunette is a human herself, and could easily notice the stares from the beginning, as soon as she'd walked into the academy. "Is... Can we get to my dorm and maybe tour another time?" She asked after a second, her gaze trailing back up to the senior nervously. The male glanced to her for a moment, before giving a nod. Even he was a tad judging of her status in the school, and she'd barely even been here for an hour yet.

     They walked faster, and the brunette didn't have too much trouble keeping up... Until she seemed to run straight into someone, that is. She let out an 'oof', falling on her butt and squinting her eyes shut for a brief moment as a reflex to the impact. "Watch where you're going, freak." The stranger spoke in a cold tone, staring down at her with almost blank eyes. The girl glanced upwards, furrowing her eyebrows at him in slight confusion as she decided the first thing she was going to do was study his appearance. The boy had black and white hair, the black seeming to almost leak from his roots, as if someone had poured a bucket of paint over him. He was also pale, and held an enlarged case of a few huge paintbrushes and some ink. The case itself was covered in different colors of paint, yet the only paint inside seemed to be onyx ink, usually used for writing.

     "M-... Me?" She asked shakily, though didn't mean for her voice to come off so hoarsely. "Yes, you." He stated simply, his cold gaze unrelenting as the students behind her began to laugh at her fall. "You... You can't call people in a school like this freaks! I-.. I'm not the only freak here!" The brunette exclaimed abruptly, her hands balling into fists as she'd seemingly had enough of all this silent torture. The male rose a brow, opening his mouth to speak. "Did I say you were, jackass? You're just the most freakish." He replied, stepping past her without another word. His stone-hard gaze remained ahead of him, the kids around him continuing their laughter. The brunette girl on the other hand, had apparently had enough of it all, and gave a hiccup, turning to simply rush off and keep her emotions in check- Which she was failing miserably at. The pale boy spared one more glance the girl's way, raising a brow as he watched her bawl her eyes out as she turned a corner. He himself didn't understand why such a weak-willed girl would enroll in a place like this. People like her wouldn't last long here, and she should have known this...
Though he simply shrugged it off, continuing along. The kids surrounding him, though, were obviously starting to bother him, as the first thing he decided to do once he resumed his walking was yell out to them in an irritated tone, "Quit your damn laughing! It's getting on my nerves!"

Everyone fell silent, as they realized they'd been practically laughing at nothing now that the girl was already gone... They soon dispersed, and most gave weird looks to the guy who'd just yelled loud enough for almost the entire section of the school to hear.
He didn't mind, though. This happened quite often...

The brunette girl had eventually found her 'senior tourist' once more upon turning multiple corners. Despite his view on her, the first thing the male did was furrow his eyebrows and spun on his heel to check if she was okay. He knew she was weak, but he didn't want her to get this emotional about it...
All the guy could do was take her to her dorm and call it a day. He wasn't the best at soothing crying people anyway.

Shiro and Misuke has finally found their dorm, the noirette immediately wandering in to fall face-first into her bed, not before opening her backpack and... Letting a cat hop out. Shiro gave a wheeze, having not been told the girl was bringing Momo of all things along. She could have held the cat for her instead of Misuke simply stuffing the poor thing into her backpack for half the day... Though she knew the noirette probably didn't want to bother her.
Instead of going to sleep first, the ginger decided now was a good time to set up her side of the dorm, as she'd brought a lot of stuff to decorate with and wasn't going to let it go to waste.
Momo was... 'Very helpful'.

*~Star Hill~*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant