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                   Misuke's POV

     "Misukeeee! Misuke we gotta go, we're gonna be late for class! Not that I care, but still, it's the first day! Come ooonnnn!" Someone would yell, shaking me repeatedly. "Ugh... Shiro? Let me sleep.... we have a big *yawn* day tomorrow.... Wait-" I'd reply, opening my eyes and shooting up out of bed. Shiro would chuckle, "I'll wait for you in Algebra." She'd say, waving back at me as she left. I'd slip on a dark grey hoodie, and a skirt, then run out the door. As I stepped outside of our dorm, a small creature would run through my legs, causing me to trip and fall backwards. "GAH! Owww... What the-" I'd sit up to find a small, brown dog sitting in front of me, wagging its tail at me curiously. It's kind of cute...
     "Ah~, you're so cute! Just, try not tripping people to get attention next time little guy..." I'd say, patting the dog on the head. The dog would let me pet him, eventually laying down in my lap. Id laugh. A tall, white haired boy would approach us, and the dog, jolting up, would run towards him. "Oh, sorry if Fluffball gave you any trouble... Here, let me just-" He'd start. "Cute name." I'd interrupt, smiling and standing up to face the boy. "Wha?" He'd look at me, confused. "Fluffball, it's a cute name..." I'd state, getting rid of his confusion. He seemed relieved for some reason...
     "Oh, that. Well thanks, I guess... I have to get going now though, I need to get him back to my dorm before classes start." He'd say, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away awkwardly. I'd nod, "Alright then... See you." I'd say, waving as he walked off. I'd adjust my (uncomfortably) short skirt, pick up my stuff, and head to class. Looks like there'll be some interesting people here after all...

      Jin's POV

     After putting Fluffball back in my dorm, I'd walk into the classroom, awaiting the teacher's instructions. The teacher would assign our seats, holding a clipboard in hand, and coincidentally, I'm sitting next to the girl from before. The teacher said her name was, Misuke, I think. I wouldn't be surprised if she was just another one of my fangirls, but I'll wait and see I guess... Focus on your work, Jin.

     I'd sit down and take out my algebra textbook, reading everything on the first couple of pages, just as the teacher had instructed. Once I'd finished, my eyes would shift over to the girl sitting next to me. She doesn't seem to be paying attention whatsoever... Guess she isn't one of my fangirls then, if she hasn't looked over at me even once this entire time... The orange haired girl sitting near the window, Shiro I think, doesn't seem to be paying attention at all either... I'd shift my eyes back over to Misuke, noticing the thick hoodie she had been wearing, 'Jin...' why is she wearing such a thick hoodie? It's in the middle of summer... 'Jin!' Maybe she just threw something random on and was in a hurry? Eh, Jin, stop thinking about it, Focus on your work...-Eh? I'd come to my senses, looking around the classroom. "Jin Roiki, stop staring at Misuke and read the first paragraph!" The teacher would say irritatedly, putting her hands on her hips... How long was she saying my name? Ah, great, now everyone's laughing. I shouldn't have done that...
     "Oh, uh, sorry Mrs. Nightglade..." I'd reply, rubbing the back of my neck self-consciously. After finishing the paragraph, I'd look around the classroom, spotting Shiro in the corner of my eye. She was smirking, staring directly at me. Ugh. I know what she's thinking...

   Shiro's POV

     It was so hard not to laugh, he was staring at Misuke for almost five minutes straight! I ship it already...

     When class ended, I would walk up behind Jin and yell, "JIN LIKES MISUUKEE!" I'd laugh, him jumping up and hitting his head on the doorframe. "Ugh, shut up, I have weird fangirls that'll hear you... And I do NOT like her!" He'd say irritatedly, looking over his shoulder at me and rubbing his head. "Then explain why you were staring at her~" I'd say, crossing my arms at the boy. His voice would waver. "Well, I-... Well, she was wearing a... Heavy hoodie, and it's the middle of summer! I just wanted to know why she w-would wear that!" He'd stutter, looking away nervously. I'd smirk at him, "You're a terrible liar." I stated, following in his footsteps as we walked through the halls. " Eh- Shut up!" He'd yell, walking faster to get away from the embarrassment. He gets flustered easily, I guess. But...

                                 . . .

     That... That was hilarious.

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