Momo the Cat

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Jin's POV

     How'd I even get myself into this...

     As Shiro dragged me into her and Misuke's dorm, she'd slam the door shut, and throw me farther into the room. Startled, Misuke would jolt up from her bed and look around. "Hah? Wha? Ah..." Misuke would blink at me. "Shiro... What's he doing in here?" She'd ask, furrowing her eyebrows at the girl behind me. She looks tired... Did Shiro just wake her up?
"WELL~, I'm off to the cafeteria to get a snack, see you guys later!" Shiro would say, waving and walking out of the room. She'd shut the door behind her.

     Misuke remained silent.

     "Well this is awkward..." She'd finally say, looking around the room. "Er, yeah..." I'd respond, laughing nervously. We both remained silent, again, for about a minute or two.

     "Want to meet Momo?" She'd finally ask, sitting up and rummaging through her closet. "Who?" I'd ask, tilting my head at the girl confusedly. "Momo." She'd repeat. I'd blink at her, and watch as she continued to look through closet. She would then pull an orange striped cat from out of her closet.
     "This is Momo, my cat. Here, hold him, he's super soft!" She'd say quite enthusiastically, handing the cat to me. I'd take it from her hesitantly.
     I'm, er, more of a dog person...
     Her stomach would growl. I'd notice this...
     Ah, isn't she a ghoul? Everyone's been talking about her... Why is she starving herself?
     "So, I'm guessing Shiro set you up?" She'd ask.


     She'd sigh, "I don't understand what her problem is... Sorry about that." She'd say. "It's fine..." I'd reply, patting the cat on the head.
     She'd shrug, then take a sip from her cup of coffee and sit back down on the side of her bed.

Aaand, awkward again.

     Ah, she was right... The cat is super soft...
"Um, where'd you get him?" I'd ask, trying strike up a conversation. "Hm? Momo?" She'd ask to make sure. "Yeah..." I'd reply awkwardly. She seemed to think for a bit, then answer with, "I found him on the streets, just took him in, and named him Momo." She'd shrug. "That's really all that happened?" I would ask, blinking at her. She's so simple...
"Mmhm." She'd nod, getting up and setting her coffee cup down. "Hey uhm... You're a ghoul right?" I'd ask her, tilting my head to the side a bit. Misuke nodded, squinting her eyes at me.
     "You look so malnourished... Why- Are you starving yourself?..." I'd ask hesitantly.
     She'd look startled at my statement, and turn around quickly to face me. "What?! I-I mean..." She'd stutter. "You, just look hungry all the time... And, well, you're a ghoul, so I understand why you probably soundly be eating..." I trailed off.
     I decided to stop the conversation there, she looked uncomfortable talking about the subject. "Well, I gotta go feed Fluffball... See ya, Misuke..." I'd say, leaving the room. "Bye." She'd wave as I left.

                       Max' POV

     As I run to catch up with Shiro, I'd trip over my own feet, and fall on my face. She'd stop to laugh. "What's so funny?!" I'd ask, pretending to be offended. "Ah, Nothing. C'mon, let's just go get those supplies the teachers told us to get before we get in trouble... Again..." She'd say, looking up at the ceiling. "Hey, how about we play another prank on a teacher?" I'd smirk, standing up brushing myself off. "What? Max, are you crazy? The last time we did that, we got sent to the principal's office..." She'd say, furrowing her eyebrows. "Yeah, yeah..." I'd reply, waving my hand back and forth. Man, why does she look so... Weird when she's mad?...

     "Hm...Oh, I have an idea! Here, grab my hand."she'd say, holding her hand out. I can't tell if she's being serious or not...
As soon as I grabbed onto her hand, she started to run down the hall, dragging me behind with her speed magic. Once we stopped moving, I immediately fell over. "You could've warned me!" I'd yell, my head spinning. How does she go that fast without getting dizzy?...
"Nah, that makes it less fun." She'd say, smirking.
     I'd just blink at her a couple times in an irritated way, then get up and follow her into the storage room to get the supplies. "Woah, check it out, there's a invisibility potion in here! And a teleportation orb! And-" She'd already be halfway out the door with the supplies before I could finish. "Ah- Wait up!" I'd yell, running after her.

     She's so fast... And I claimed I was the fastest...

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