L and Rs

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-still Kira's POV-

I don't understand it's been a day and we have'nt change places yet. Something is not right. Let's talk about that later. Anyway I'm just typically walking to school, LATE!!

Cause of that stupid brother of mine. He did'nt even bother to wake me up. I was bored so I decided to speed off to school only using little of it. I mean it would be strange for others.

As I arrived, Gakushuu popped up infront of me.

"Kira?" He asked confused. Totally because of my eyes. I nodded and simply sped off to the classroom. Not even bothering to say a word to him.

Oh he must have been surprised.

What I don't get is why we have'nt change places yet. It's as if our body's refused the switch.


I entered the tattered building and hurried off to class. As I arrived there I saw the bitch kissing Kimura. I writing on the board saying, ' you are really good in bed.' She looks up from her french kissing and I avoided eye contact with her. She pointed at me.

"Y/n say really in english."

"You really are a bitch."

Everyone muttered mostly saying what I said. Karma chuckled and Irina just stood there sweatdropping. The english class ended and soon she was out of my sight.

"Kira." Karma just said. Everyone turned their heads up to me and looked at my eyes.

"Why are'nt you Y/n yet?"Ritsu said. I just looked at their eyes.

"Well we don't know, we've also been wondering why the exchange has'nt happened yet. Thinking our body's rejecting the switch, that's our only theory for now."

It's funny when you talk in 2nd person.

I just ignore her and continue on walking to my sit.

Third person's view

Koro sensei was looking at Irina's chest pervertedly. She had a tick mark on her face and was starting to get annoyed.

"Argghh!!" She started swishing her arm around with an anti sensei kmife on her right hand. Koro-sensei continuesly avoid the knife so Irina bursted and make her way out of the room.

As she was walking a wire trap had caught her around her neck.

'A wire trap!' She lessened the trap's grip on her neck by putting two fingers at it's corner. On the corner if her eye, a shadow figure walked near her.

Her eyes widening from surprise. He smirked and chuckled.

"You're talent will be wasted here. Playing teacher in this class. Come back with me Irina."

Irina's eyes widen. "Lovro-sensei!" But their coversation was cut of as
they soon heard one pair of footsteps coming near them, making them shoot their heads up. They expected only one person to be there but two shadows came to view. The other's footsteps was'nt heard at all. As if a ghost was beside the other person

But the two were actually identified as Karasuma and Y/n or should I say Kira. Lovro looked closely at the one beside Karasuma and quickly realized it was'nt Y/n, but instead Kira.

"Well hello. Long time no see Lovro. I think you need to let go of my colleague right now." Irina's eyes widen as this was the first time Kira has ever said she was her colleague.

"She's right Lovro-san. I think I know a way of you settling things. What if you guys play tag. You and Irina are it and the one you need to catch are Karasuma. Excluding Kira since her classmates may know." Koro sensei said not even knowing where he popped out. Kira just nod her head agreeing.

Soon Kira disappeared from their sight shocking them, none the less returning to their natural faces. Lovro cut the wire that Irina hung in and disappeared to the shadows.


Karasuma was busily typing details on his laptop. The silence so thick it could be cut by a knife. Soon the silence was cut off, by Lovro coming in from the window attacking Karasuma by surprise.

As Lovro tried to kick Karasuma by his leg, thinking of tripping him, Karasuma kicked his leg out of the way and decided to side kick Lovro.
He avoided it and striked Karasuma with a knife, but Karasuma got a hold of his arm locking it on his back. Lovro gave up and walk away from the office, thinking of another plan.

Outside the office, he saw Kira walking and decided to attack, wanting to know how strong she has become.

Lovro tried to hammer kick her but he did'nt realize his foot was stuck in between her index and middle finger. She pulled her hand back causing Lovro to go along with his foot flying infront of Kira. Crashing to the floor. A big crash was heard by Karasuma but not the students. Since they were out in the fields training.

"What are you doing Lovro. I am not one of your targets but, look at how weak you've become getting thrown to the floor by a measley assassin." Kira glared at him. Karasuma did hear it but he just ignore it. As Lovro grunted he got off the floor.

"I was just trying to see how strong you've become this past few years." Kira just nodded and walked away.

Lunch Time
Karasuma was eating outside in a tree infront of the class. Irina suddenly came to his side.

"Ne, Karasuma I...I..... why don't you like me?" Irina said turning on her appeals. Karasuma did'nt fall for it. Soon the class e was curiously watching.

Karasuma stood up and a glint of mischief passed through Irina's face. She removed her jacket that was connected with a trip wire where Karasuma's standing on, causing him to trip. Irina attacked with an anti knife on her hands holding Karasuma down. The knife was inches apart from touching him. So Karasuma struggled.

Irina was trying her best, and giving all her strength to make the knife touch. Karasuma gave up and let the knife touch him. Which caused Irina to be happy and leading all the students cheering.

In the shadows, Lovro stood together with Kira.
"You lost." Kira stated simply. Lovro nodded and walk away, happy with his student's skill.

Somewhere in the darkness stands Kira.

They'll soon figure it out, but I'll try to hide it as best as I can.

Endure it Y/n. Endure it longer, they like you and they're your friends.

You need to endure it.
I need to endure it.

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