Chapter 1 - I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here

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The scenery outside speeds past us as we drive down the highway, on high alert and confused as to what is happening. I look down at my phone and read the accounts, frustrated and confused by the reports I'm reading, "This makes no sense. I mean, how many angels fell? Hundreds, thousands? And nobody sees anything? This is- Look at this. They're calling it a meteor shower. Seriosuly?"

Dean remains quiet, sitting silent and brooding. I look towards him and raise an eyebrow, "What's going on babe? You okay?"

"Me? Yeah, fine. It's just..." He murmurs, trailing off.

He's acting so strange, which outs me off slightly, "We got a major frickin crap-fest on our hands. Thousands of superpowered dicks touching down and we got no idea where to start."

"Angels aren't our problem right now, okay?" He says, suddenly snapping, "Or demons or Metatron, or whatever the hell happened to Cas."

"Why, because of what happened in the church?" I ask, giving him a look, "What're we supposed to do now? Pack up Mary and go to Disneyland? Dean, you said so yourself, we're not gonna sleep till this is done."

"I know." He says quietly, his eyes still on the road.

"So what's the problem?" I ask, wondering what the hell is going on with him.

He is quiet for a moment before he turns to look at me, "You."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, lost at his words. He turns and faces me, "Look, there's no easy way to say this, okay? But something happened back there in the church. Hey, I don't know what, I don't know why... You're dying, Addy."

I look at him before scoffing at him, "Shut up."

He faces me once more and gives me a hard look, making me reconsider his words. A wave of anxiety comes over me and he softens his look, reaching over and placing a hand on my thigh as he looks to the road, "Look, just because you're dying, doesn't mean you're dead. Not yet, okay? We have jimmied ourselves out of worse. We're gonna fight this. I got the plan, you just gotta hang on, you hear me?"

"Absolutely." I say, not believing a single word he's saying.

He gives me a look, "You think I'm lying."

"Pretty much, yeah." I say with a nod.

He frowns at me, getting aggravated, "Hey, you understand that we are not really in this car right now? We're in your head. And you're in a coma and are dying."

"How do you know that?" I ask and he looks at me once more, "Because I'm you, and you're you. All of this is you. We're in your head!"

"You're serious?" I question, causing him to give me another look.

I turn away from him, processing this all. I let out a breath scoff, giving a shake of my head, "The whole reason I stopped doing the trials was not to die."

"Then the next time we see Naomi or Metatron or whoever's to blame for this, we will get some justice." He promises me, "But for right now we got to fight this, baby."

"Okay. All right, what's the plan?" I ask, turning in my seat to face him.

His eyes are focused on the road, his hands balled around the wheel as he drives, "I'm working on it."

"What does that mean? I'm kind of dying here, apparently." I say, gesturing around the car.

"It means I'm working on it, all right?" He says, snapping at me.

I think for a moment before tilting my head to the side, a thought occurring to me, "The thing is, if I am dying, and I believe you, I do. But if you're you, but you're really me and you're the part of me that wants to fight to live-"

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