Chapter 19 - Dark Dynasty

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My head lays against the vinyl of the bed, the coldness brushing against my cheek as I look towards my husband and daughter. Mary holds my phone in her hands, playing a game with the aid of Dean. Both of their eyes are locked on the screen, following the instructions of the game.

His head rests on top of hers, placing a loving kiss between her blonde curls every now and then. Her little eyes are focused on the screen, so much concentration as she tries to play it right. I can't believe how much she has grown, her nearing her third birthday now. I remember back to when she was born, when there was a completely different threat looming over our heads. She's been through so much for someone so young, yet she hasn't lost her lustre for life, which I find incredible.

The door to the room opens up and I look over, seeing my obstetrician walk in. She smiles kindly at the three of us, "It's lovely to see you again Addison, you too Mary."

Mary beams at Doctor Carter, loving the visits she had when we came originally. Doctor Carter grabs the cart and wheels it towards our direction when she takes in Dean, "And you must be Dean."

He nods his head and offers her his hand, "Yes, pleasure to meet you."

"Same. I've heard quite a lot about you from this little one in our last visit." She says, looking kindly towards Mary.

He smiles down at her and gives her a gentle squeeze, causing a little giggle to escape past her lips. The doctor takes a seat on the stool at the end of the bed, resting the cart in front of her. She turns towards me, "Well by now I'm sure you know the drill Addison."

Letting out a chuckle, I reach down and pull back my sweater, "Yeah, I think I do."

She reaches over and squirts some of the gel onto my stomach, the coldness of it jolting me a little bit. She apologises and I turn to look back at Dean, who has a slight nervous look on his face. This is the first ultrasound he's been too with this pregnancy and I can see the nervousness in his eyes. He's afraid about the mark and what it will do to him, how it will affect his family.

I reach my hand over and take his, giving it a reaffirming squeeze. He lifts it to his lips and places a small kiss on my knuckles, appreciating my support. A small, delicate hand grasps onto both of ours and I see Mary looking between us. She looks so happy, with so much love for the both of us.

"Okay, here we go." Doctor Carter says, breaking our moment.

I turn back to the screen, my hands still in theirs as she places the transducer onto my stomach. She spreads around the gel, giving her more room to examine both of the babies. I bite my lip anxiously, a little bit of fear making its way into my heart. Ever since Harlow, I've always been afraid of everything that could go wrong when I am pregnant.

She types a few things into the keyboard, looking at the image on the screen. And then I hear it, a relieved breath escaping my lungs. Two strong heartbeats are heard over the speakers, signifying that my babies are okay in that regard. I can't help the wide smile that spreads across my lips as I look at the figures on the screen.

"My babies!" Mary cries out happily, pointing towards the screen.

"Yeah... There they are." I hear Dean whisper, his voice hoarse.

I look over and see the emotion in his yes, the slight glistening in the corners. This is something I treasure, a memory I never want to forget. All his life, Dean has been afraid of himself and his disappointment in who he is. But since he's become a father, I can see that things are changing slowly. The way he interacts with Mary, with the babies, it gives him a purpose that he's never had before.

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