Chapter 23 - The Vessel

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The blade of the knife slices into the soft flesh of the fruit, its juices coating the steel. I vaguely hear the sound of pencil on paper, Mary colouring in as she waits for her breakfast. The other side of the table is silent, my brother in law immersed in the books splayed out in front of him.

As I cut more of the fruit up, my mind wanders off to the conversation I had with Dean weeks ago. The brothers were off on hunt, something involving a witch and cheating husbands. Using a creature, it appears to the person as their most deepest desire. This monster appeared to Dean, but he was troubled by who he saw.

He came home and decide to tell me, something I wish I hadn't heard. The creature took form of Amara, her grown adult body. He explained to me everything, how in the very beginning when she appeared to him in the fog, that they had a connection. And the reason she continues to spare him is because of her deep attraction to him. She kissed him at one point, asking him to be with her forever.

And as much as that broke my heart, he explained to me how he feels. When he is around her, something happens that he cannot explain. He said it isn't love or desire, that he only feels that for me. And when he isn't around her, he wants to do nothing but kill her. But he can't do it himself, he can't bring himself to do it.

He said he was afraid he let me down, that he would just disappoint me again. That's why he didn't tell me, he didn't want to see me hurt. After hearing what he said yes it hurts, but it's not his fault. I know that he loves me more than anything, that he would do what ever it takes to keep our family safe. So I told him to focus on that, to remind himself of why he's fighting and what he has waiting at home for him.

I place the fruit on top of the yogurt as I hear someone walk into the room. Dean makes his way over beside me, reaching for the coffee maker.

"We're out." I murmur, sucking off some of the juice from my finger.

Dean puts it down frustratedly and turns his sleepy eyes towards me, "There was a half a bag yesterday."

"I killed it." Sam pipes up from his spot at the table, "Hey, did you know the Nazis had a special branch devoted to archaeology?"

"Little early for Nazi trivia, especially without caffeine." Dean says as he walks towards fridge.

"Its called the 'Ahnenerbe.' There were sights all over Germany, and then as the Nazis increased their territory, they started popping up in Poland, Finland, North Africa." Sam explains as I walk over and place Mary's breakfast down in front of her.

"Thanks Momma." She says, putting her pencil down and reaching for the spoon.

"How is this more important than our coffee situation?" Dean asks from behind me.

"Cause I found something. I mean, we need something. A magic, weapons strong enough to give us a shot against Amara." He states.

I tense up at the mention of her name and I can feel Dean's eyes on me, but I push it away as I go towards my own breakfast I made.

"So I've been looking outside the lore in history and I found this, the Vichy Memorandums. They were Nazi communications that puzzle historians to this day. And they speak of a super weapon obtained by the Ahnenerbe, said to be strong enough to win the war." Sam explains.

Dean comes up beside and reaches over, taking my tea as a substitute it for his coffee. I frown at him and smack his arm, earning a playful grin in return. I roll my eyes as I turn to Sam, "Yeah? What was it?"

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