Chapter 4 - Holy Terror

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My head rests back against Dean's as he has his arms wrapped around my waist, his chin settled on my shoulder. Our fingers are intertwined, them resting against my stomach as we look into Mary's room. She is passed out in her cot, her arms wrapped around the teddy bear that got from Sam today. My heart is so filled with joy as I look at her, knowing I'm so very blessed.

"Can you believe that she turned two today?" I whisper quietly, not wanting to disturb her.

"Yeah, I know. Our little girl is growing up too fast." He says, giving a small shake of her head, "How did we get so lucky?"

"After everything we've been through, we deserve to have some happiness. She's my sanity throughout all of this." I state.

"Yeah, you and her." Dean states and I smile, turning my head to the side and placing a kiss on his cheek.

A thought runs through my mind and Dean notices the change in my expression, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." I say, shake my head, which causes him to give me a look, "Tell me."

Butterflies begin to flutter around my stomach and I pull away from him, trying to think of a way to say this.

"You're worrying me babe." He says and I chuckle, "No, it's nothing bad. It's just, I've been thinking we've been so blessed to have such an incredible little girl. She's so smart, kind and funny. I honestly don't think I could love anything as much as I love her. Well besides you of course."

"I know what you mean." He says, his face softening, "I was so afraid I couldn't do this, that she would have a deadbeat dad."

I shake my head at his ridiculous thoughts, "You've been amazing baby. She loves you so much."

"She loves you too you know." He states and a blush rises to my cheeks as I nod, "I've been thinking for a couple months now, just general thoughts..."

"What?" He asks, a curious look on his face.

I bite my lip nervously as I look him in the eye, "I was thinking, once everything with the angels and Abaddon settle down... Maybe we could think about expanding our little family?"

His eyes widen slightly, his whole body freezing which causes my stomach to drop as I speak quickly, "I mean, I know things are insanely crazy right now with everything that's going on. But I worry about Mary. I mean she doesn't seem unhappy, but I feel like she gets lonely and I think a sibling would be really good for her. It was just an idea, but I feel like we're ready and that we can do this-"

"Baby." He interrupts me, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Yes?" I ask, my voice very quiet.

"Take a breath." He chuckles and I follow his intrusions as he talks, "Like you said, right now isn't the best time. Our lives are pretty crazy right now. But I'm not gonna lie, I've thought about it a little."

"Really?" I ask, surprised by his answer.

He nods his head, "Yeah. So when this is all over and we can finally catch our breaths, I'd love to make another baby with you."

"Are you serious?" I ask, unable to stop the face splitting grin on my face.

He nods his head and wraps his arms around my waist, "As serious as a heart attack."

Denouement || Book 3 of 'Reawakening Series'Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang