Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Holy shit, Sam!" I throw the pillow at my nervous little brother.

"Listen, I lost track of time. I forgot you told me to wake you up at-"

"No, you listen. You are not going to be late on your first day. I swear if I don't get to class on time..." I jump up and push Sam out of the room, getting dressed in a tank top and jeans. I don't have much time for makeup, so I just put on some lip gloss and pull my light brown hair back in a ponytail. I don't need to take that much time on my appearance, Sammy has no style, so therefore I must plan out his outfit today. I carefully pull open the flimsy door separating my room from the entire house, but the doorknob still seems to find a way to fall off. I shove it back in the socket and dash to the kitchen, pulling a frying pan from a cabinet and placing it on the old stove. Instant pancake batter pours into little blots on the pan. Sam walks in from the arch way, his eyes directly on the pancakes.

"So, umm," he looks at me, "Breakfast?"

I flip the pancakes over one last time and serve them on a plate, "Not so fast."

He glances at me, closes his eyes, and sighs, "Not again, Deana."

"Oh you know I don't like my full name. So guess what." I lunge for him with scissors in hand. His eyes widen and he ducks quickly, but a loaf of brown hair falls to the ground. Tall people have some disadvantages.

"Hey! Hey!" He tries to push me down, but I dodge and grab his legs, which almost instantaneously kick me in the stomach. He isn't going to win though. I jump onto his back and push his neck back, so his head lurches forward when I release and he topples to the ground. I sit on him and hold the scissors to his scalp.

"So... Rapunzel ready to let down her hair?"

"If I'm Rapunzel, you're the witch."

"If you're Rapunzel, you should shut the fuck up."

He attempts a laugh, but chokes for lack of air. I reach down to cut off his hair, when a hand grabs my head and pulls it down, grabbing the scissors and facing them towards me.

"Hey, hey." I throw my hands up, "I surrender."

He releases me and I jump up, brushing the dust off my pants. Than I examine his outfit. He has a dark grey hoodie and jeans. Okay I guess. I shuffle through the laundry basket, and toss him the ACDC t-shirt I got him last Christmas.

"Put this on under your hoodie. The unzip your hoodie so people can actually see the blessed band merchandise." he groans and returns back to his bedroom.

When he comes back, I toss him his backpack full of fresh school supplies and hand him a pancake.

"We have to eat them to go." I say to him, pulling him into the crisp autumn air. Some maybe cold, wearing just a tanktop and jeans. I don't feel anymore. Too many emotions have I felt to not understand how emotions destroy you. I'm not going to be my depressing self today, though. I have to focus, for Sammy. I jump in the drivers seat of my 1967 Impala, stroking the interior a bit before starting the engine. As I do so, rock music starts blaring through the streets. Sam motions to change it to something he may prefer more (Idiot, this is the best music there is), I twist his arm back.

"Dean! Stop!" I let go, but keep my intense glare.

"Well why did you do it?"

"It's just really old, that's all."

"Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole." Sam looks down at his lap.

When we pull up to school, people are still entering the building. So we aren't late after all. I drop my brother off and park the car, running into the school building. I pull out my crumpled schedule and trace my finger down the paper, searching for first period. English. Great. I study the room numbers, trying to match the number on his schedule with the one on each door. I finally find the right one, but by now most of everybody has disappeared from the hallways. I pull the door open and run in. I immediately try to find a seat next to some cute guys or something. No such luck. The teacher looks at me disapprovingly, and then reaches for her clipboard.

"And you are Ms. Winchester, am I correct?" I nod, "Well the only available seat is next to Ms. Novak over there. Go on." My gaze follows where she is pointing. Towards a scrawny little girl. Her dark brown hair is messy and her bright blue eyes stare at me, undaunting. I match her look, until she turns to look out the large windows. I sit next to her hesitantly. She will obviously be one of those loner chicks. I shouldn't talk to her, it won't give me any popularity here. I sit in silence the whole class, winking at boys though. After class, I pack up slowly. Math may be Sam's favorite class, but that doesn't run in the family. When I do leave, I enter the hallway to a women's shout. The source is a brown haired, trenchcoated girl shoved against the lockers. I knew she was going to be the punch bag of the school.

"What's your problem?" she cries


I see her eyes are watering, but the rather large senior has no mercy. He punches her, adding a bit of red next to the bright blue eyes. I don't know why I did it. I just did.

I push the boy to the ground, stomping on his fingers. I reach down to punch him skillfully. He falls unconscious. Now this isn't a great thing to do on the first day. I push one of his friends on the floor next to him, grab the girl's hand and run down the hall. Now I won't get in trouble. This has happened many times before, but it has always been others picking on Sammy. I pull her into a janitors closet and sit down with her.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, umm I guess. I'm new." her voice is deeper than mine, but still pretty feminine

I laugh, "Well that's apparent."

"My name is Cas Novak." she offers me her hand

"I'm Deana Winchester, but I swear if you don't call me Dean I will hurt your sorry ass."

She smiles softly. I grab a towel of the shelf and rub the blood off her face, and then grab another one for the blood on my hands.

"As Mr. Singer said, you'll meet him later, people here can be 'idjits'. Honestly Cas. I think they have no right to pick on somebody like you."

"Like me?" her eyes grew wide. She's petrified. Was it something I said?

"Umm, well you know. Pretty." My face grows red.

She just smiles more and I look into her eyes, she stares back into mine. I don't waste this moment.

I kiss her, softly on the lips. Slowly, but honestly. She doesn't pull back, but cooperates. I pull back when the time is right.

"Sorry, I just. Well I-"

"Shut up." She kisses me again. When she releases I just grin like an idiot.

"Well, Cas. It was a pleasure to meet you. See you around."

It wasn't until I kissed her. Then I realized. It wasn't flirting, it was love. I was in love with a girl.

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