Chapter 8

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By the time we arrive at the roller rink, the sun is already melting into the horizon. I pull open the door so Cas can get out, resting my hand on her back momentarily before closing the door and guide her into the rink. The breeze makes her hair fly around in the wind and I stare at every individual hair, thinking to myself: I love every strand. It's because I do, I'm driven insane by my love for her. I guess that's better than my usual insanity from self hatred. I have gotten better with that. The cutting myself thing. Cas knows when I'm hurting because of her angel stuff and I don't want her to get worried. If I mess up what I have with her, I'm just gonna have to kill myself. So every day, every moment with her counts. Especially today.

We walk in and I see Cas' eyes widen in curiosity as she sees the different people rolling around in their skates. She walks to the edge, and almost steps into the rink when I grab her arm, pulling her behind the faded purple railing

"Not too fast." I laugh, "We still have to pay for roller skates."

She tilts her head a little, "What-"

"Just come with me." I pull her over to the desk. A scrawny boy about our age hobbles over, hunched over a little with a little bit of stubble. His sandy colored hair hangs right above his half closed bored eyes. He smirks at me and lays an arm on the counter.

"Hey, Deanna. You look ready for a long night."

I scowl, "Shut. UP, Adam. We are fucking cousins."

He shrugs, "Hey, if I have to be stuck in this hell-like job I can have a little fun, right."

"Yeah, sure. Just give me my damn shoes." He sighs and hands them over, "And for this sexy one here?"

"Adam..." I ball up my fists and give him a threatening look

"Okay, okay. Just tell me her shoe size."

I turn to her, take a quick look at her feet, and answer, "8 1/2."

He nods, turning to his shelves of roller skates muttering something about how "girls are so sensitive these days". He gives them the shoes, swipes my credit and, and gives Cas one more wink before disappearing back into the shadows. I slip on my roller skates and rush to help Cas, who is struggling immensely. She gives me a grin when she is able to stand up, but the moment she takes a step she topples over from the added weight and wheels. i grab her arm just in time and help her up. I guide her by the hand into the ring, and then let go. She falls over again, landing on her knee. In that position, a human would break a bone. Cassie isn't human. She sits there, looking up at me with puppy-dog eyes.

"I'm bad at this."

I help her up again, "No you aren't. You just need practice. Here..." I set my hand on the small of her back and push her forward slightly. I guide her around and around again, but each time she still falls.

"What's up, Cas?" I ask, helping her up the seventh time

"You are making my legs not stable." She states, looking down at her roller skates in embarrassment.

I try not to laugh, "Want me to teach you how to move on your own?" She nods. And so I teach her, and we skate around, holding hands, until she just collapses. It startles me, and I fall backwards.

"Dean, I can't do this."

"Sure you can."

"No, I don't want to. I can't move, I don't like that."

"Here." I pick her up in my arms, gliding across the floor to the gate. I set her down on a bench, taking off her shoes and putting on the ones I kent her. I sit down besides where she lays, putting on my own shoes. When I try to shake her awake, she doesn't budge.

"Oh great. Now I have to carry her to the car." I say it, but inside I'm grateful to be able to hold her in my arms more. So I puck her up and exit the roller rink.

I sit her in the Impala and I walk around the rear, stroking my baby car's behind. By the time I get to the drivers seat, Cas is already wide awake and looking curiously about the parking lot from her window.

"Hey, want to go out and eat?" I ask, turning the ignition and driving out of the parking lot.

"Where?" She asks, and where indeed.

"Lets go to a burger place." I smile and instantly head to the nearest McDonalds. Not gourmet food, but hey. I'm not the richest person in the world. I grab us both Big Macs and sodas, and I sit with her in the parking lot to eat or delicious dinner. I watch her take a bite of her first hamburger. She chews it slowly, and an expression crosses her face that I can't read. We sit there in silence, until finally she speaks.

"These make me very happy."

And with that, she wolfs down the rest of that burger and coke. I can't stop laughing, and I'm pretty sure people can hear me from miles away, but I don't care. She is adorable.

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