Chapter 4

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Meeting her brother is, well, awkward.

Throughout the day we exchange smiles. Jack wasn't there that day, and Dean said that she broke up with him after the dance, so he was probably moping around his apartment. I feel an ounce of guilt for finding pleasure in that, but no one can really blame me, can they? She is just so beautiful, so amazing. After school, we take a minute to circle around the baseball field. I watch our holding hands, but I can feel her vivid green eyes watching me.

"Why are you so shy?" her strong voice is like music to my ears

"I'm-," my voice quivers, "I'm not a human. I'm, obscure. How could you even regard me as ordinary, but I'm not."

"Cas, you aren't ordinary. You're extraordinary. I have met many non-human creatures before, but none as amazing as you. I love you." her lips gently press against my cheek. I let out a little sigh, and she laughs a little.

"I love you too, Dean Winchester," I decide not to ask about the other creatures. This moment will not be ruined by my curiosity.

We stop, and I turn to bury my head into her neck. She kisses me on the top of my head, and warmth spreads from my heart to every limb, make each and every one numb. I look up and stand on my toes to kiss her, but before our lips meet a man's voice calls, "Dean!" and her head whips to the source of the noise. A brown haired boy runs towards us, waving a green notebook.

"Sam, damn you." she growls before he stops in front of them, out of breath.

"You left, your notebook, in math." he pants

"Well, this is a great time to give it to me. Need me make pancakes, too? Or maybe buy you an SUV so you can drive into the country, on a mission to find your long lost moose family." the whole time he is looking at me in disbelief. He really does look like a moose, "Sammy!"

His hair whips around and he is looking intensely at Dean.

"Yes, oh great sister." The sass is real with these two.

"Stop staring at her."

"It's just, she was-"

"Tell me later. Now go away."

I touch her arm, and she turns to me, her eyes turn soft, "Yeah?"

"It's just, who is this?" I ask

"Oh, right," she steps out from between us, "Cas, meet my annoying-as-hell little brother, Sam."

I hold out my hand, and he shakes it absentmindedly.

"Dean, I should really talk to you-"

"No, Sam."

"But I really should-"



She pushes him away. Leaning down to me, she smirks. "Where were we?"

I kiss her and she holds my face in her hands, moving to ruffle my hair. I catch Sam, watching us make out in impatience from the other side of the field. I pull away.

"I think you should talk to Sam."

"Do I have to?" she tries to go into a kiss again, but I don't let her.

"Yes." I pull her black thin sweater fully back on her again. She grins as hold her arm and we walk this time in the direction of her impatient little brother. He gets up, and walks ahead of us to the parking lot.

"Feel grateful you have only one sibling. I have tons." I whisper to my girlfriend

"Do you want to stay at my house tonight?"

I shake my head, "I better not. I haven't gone up to my dad in a while."

She pauses, and then laughs, "I forgot your dad was literally god."

I smile too, and we say goodbye. I go behind the school, look around to make sure no one can see me, and spread my wings. Taking off into the slowly darkening sky, and I look down to see Dean's car disappearing into the trees. I feel the wind across my face and I spiral up into the clouds, water collecting in droplets on my black wings. I close my eyes, and knowledge rushes through my head, facts swimming across my mind. Most of it is not important, but I find through the rubbish the detailed profiles of two humans in my mind: Deanna and Sam Winchester. Their mom died when they were young. Cause of Death- Azazel. Oh. I look down to the world below with sorrow, but then pull my head up and continue scanning. Their dad is always away trying to find Azazel, so he is never home. Dean has been taking care of her brother all their life. Dean is like the mother they lost to Sam. I tear drifts down my cheek but I wipe it, confused. I'm not supposed to have emotions like this. But Dean, Sam. They have grown up with monsters all their life. Am I really helping? She told me it didn't matter I wasn't human, but someone who wasn't human killed their mom. I lower, ascending down to the ground below, my trenchcoat flapping in the wind. My feet rest onto the dirt, and I walk down the highway Dean used. Eventually I follow the path to a house, her car parked in the driveway. I look in the car mirrors, and brush down my hair. I shouldn't look terrible. Not in front of her. Then I'm at her door. Fear bolts through me, but I raise my hand to the door.

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