Chapter 7

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Dean is a little shaken up about the death of our classmate, Sherlock Holmes. I remember him, he was so quiet. So much like me, only talking to the one person we love. Sure he was a male and I'm a female, but were targeted for the same reasons. He was gay too. He was intellegent. He didn't understand human nature. Sure he was human, but does that make him too different from me? I still have a right to mourn him. If Only I could mourn him.

Dean's angry that I didn't tear up, like she was. I understand that it's hard for her to get used to me being an angel and not having regular emotions, though, and I act sad to the best of my ability. One emotion I can feel is love. Love towards Deana. Love to my family.

My family is slowly drifting a part though, my dad disappointed with my actions of dating Dean. Lucifer is supportive, though, and sometimes if I am able to talk to Anna, she gets so excited that her "little brother is in love". She says it in a teasing tone. I don't understand: I didn't say it as a joke. I'm starting to see less and less of Gabriel, I hope he doesn't drift away like Anna did. It's like a rebelion is starting, and for some reason I want to join it. Fight back, show my father that it's okay for me to be who I am. He can be very judgemental, used to the old ways of doing things. I want to make my voice heard, show him that I really love Dean, that just because we are the same sex we can feel the same towards each other as a normal couple. I feel I'm becoming rebellious, if nobody can already see that. That could serve as some trouble.

But for some reason, I just don't care anymore. As Deanna would say, they can go fuck themselves. Oh Dean. She's a bad influence on me, I'm afraid. First rebelling, then cursing, then who knows what cones next. Sexual contact? I guess that wouldn't be too bad. Then again, I am much older than Deanna. Would that be unholy or something. I don't know.

Dean has been trying to inform me on human specialties. I have never had a burger in Heaven. Or pie. Dean seems to enjoy the pie better, a little too much. Sometimes it becomes hard to focus on my studies when she's around, but I have been treating her with much care since the death. But I don't know about this rollerskating thing we are attending tonight. It seems- confusing, or at least from the information I gained from researching. Dean likes doing research with me sometimes, but she uses a devise called a computer, instead of the network I use. I have not yet taken her flying. Maybe I can do that tonight.

The only other time I've dressed up for an occasion was the dance, and I don't wish to wear the same dress twice. I need something shorter. Simpler. And I think I have acquired just the dress. I feel the silk drape over me as I slip into the deep blue dress, cut off at my knees. It swishes around my legs when I twirl, with a sparkled belt. It makes me smile, just being in that dress. I feel happy. Different. Special. Beautiful. I take the comb Dean lent me, and brush it through my dark brown hair, wavy, but the comb runs through it smoothly. I set the comb back on my dresser and wait quietly in heaven, staring at my reflection in a sheet of water. It hangs on the wall and I use it as a mirror. I'm not the same. Well that's obvious, but it isn't just Dean changing me. It's something more. A rising power, and it's scaring me a bit. Like I scare myself, and I'm pretty sure everyone else. Maybe not Dean, though. Maybe Dean is different.

I sit up and fly down, as though the floor was never there. I glide, soaring with the wind as my wings expand. i tilt to the side, descending down to Dean's home. Then, I let myself fall, hair flapping in the wind as gravity pulls me down, and as my feet touch the ground all the power gathered from the fall releases with a loud thump, but I elegantly land, my wings furling into the skin on my back I skip towards her home, landing my usual soft knock on the door. Dean opens it, but wearing a sweatshirt and jeans.

"I was not informed this date would require casual attire." I blush slightly,

staring down at my clothes.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I forgot you don't know what rollerskating is." She beckons me inside, "Come in, I'll get you some better clothes.

I nod and step into the familiar room. At least objects are thrown across the room from their usual place and I don't meet an angry Sam. Instead, one reading a newspaper casually, but not looking up from it to greet me.

"Hey." He says

"Hello, Samuel."

He raises his eyebrows at the mention of his full first name, but does not shift his focus away from the article he's reading. I move from heel to toe and back again several times, waiting anxiously for Dean to return and interrupt this awkward situation. And as though hearing my prayers, she comes stumbling in, a "My Chemical Romance" shirt with a marching skeleton and a pair of black sweatpants.

"Here ya go. Try them on." I start to slip out of the dress but Dean stops me quickly, "Why don't you change in my room. Not in front of Sam." I nod and do as she says. When I enter again, Dean smiles so bright, it's like the edges of her mouth going to split.

"Lets go! Bye Sammy." He grunts in response, and we go on our way rollerskating.


I FEEL LIKE I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOR-EV-A!!! So here's a part. Prepare for some fluff in the next chapter. Also, would you guys mind if I add smut. Okay bye....

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