Chapter 6

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We wake up, or rather I wake up. Cas has already brushed her hair and looks exactly the same as last night, and gas pulled out sone clothes for me to wear today. She's looking deep into the distance, lost in her own thoughts. I give a sleepy smile and stand up, hugging her from behind. She rests her hand on my arms as if accepting the hug, and I let go.

"Deanna, I assembled an outfit for you today."

I laugh, "I can see that Cas. But the only way you're going to make me wear it is if you let me pick out an outfit for you."

She shakes her head vigorously, "No!"

"Hey, chill. I get you like the whole tan trenchcoat, but I thought you would like it a little bit more, fashionable. I'm not gonna take it away. Just hand me the coat." She looks skeptically at me, but slips her arms out of the sleeves, handing the trenchcoat to me.

"Treat it well."

"I hope you don't hide a baby in here or something." I say, noticing how heavy it is.


I smirk at her, "See you in a little bit. Help yourself to the kitchen food."

She nods, and exits my bedroom. I sit down on my bed and pull out a little white box. I look at each hand, and in one there's the trenchcoat, the other a pair of blue scissors.

When I'm finished sewing the cut ends to a smooth end, I admire my work. Now the long trenchcoat comes to m about her knees. A strip of the cut of cloth is wrapped around the waist, to tighten it, and I replaced the somewhat small black buttons with lighter larger ones. It looks like something a teenage girl would actually buy. I lay it out on the mattress, pulling open my dresser and getting a pair of black leggings and tight white tank top. I perk my head out the door, and I see Cas sitting across from Sam, awkwardly eating a piece of toast. I walk in, completely ignoring Sam.

"Come on, Cas." I take her hand and pull her away from the toast, eager to show her the outfit. When she does see it, her eyes widen and she starts breathing heavily.

"What did you do to it?"

"Come on, Babe. I made it a little bit more normal." She swallows, but reaches for it and wraps it around her, swaying back and forth.

"I guess it's okay." I pull it back off her, and hand her the leggings and shirt.

"Put this on first. Then the trenchcoat." She nods, and I leave her to her new clothes. As I close the door slowly behind me, I let out a sigh and turn to face Sam. We make eye contact for a a second, but I break it quickly.

"Dean. We have to talk."

"Oh," I laugh darkly, "You want to talk now?"

"I didn't realize-"

"Just shut it."

"No, I-"

"Stop. I don't want to talk to you."

"But Cas-"

"Shut. UP." I glare at him and he looks back down at his food. I breath, looking back at my door as a curious brunette head stares at us, fully dressed.

"I wasn't aware that you two were, fighting, at this moment of time."

"No, Cas. It's okay. Now, I need to brush your hair." I do so, a clip it back a little, "Now, I'm only doing this so if I'm not there to kick ass, you won't be hurt."

"Okay, Deanna." She smiles, but single hair strands are already floating a little over her head. I pat them down, and hold the front door open for her to pass through. She crawls next to me in the Impala. I don't care how Sam gets to school. I don't care about Sam. If he doesn't care for my happiness, why should I care for his? I feel a little guilty, leaving my family behind for my love. But guess who I'm liking a little more at the moment.

We get to school and I rest my hand on the small of her back, guiding her through the crowded halls. It seems more chaotic today. We manage to enter the English classroom safely. Every single student is whispering quickly among themselves, and not only is Cas confused but I am too. All this chatter just because we're a couple. That's- wait. The seat next to us is empty, but the guy who sits there is usually here everyday. He was absent one day, and that was for medical reasons, but he should be fine so where is he? My thoughts are interrupted when our teacher comes to the front of the classroom, dark circles under her eyes.

"I was told to tell you a tragedy that took place early this morning. Because of our poor school district, we cannot call off school. But they still feel that we should tell you what happened, so here it goes. Mr. Sherlock Holmes died today. He died because of those of you who bully people because they are different. You should be proud of yourselves, you made a poor boy jump off this very building." She starts crying

My hand is shaking and I look over to see Cas, not crying or anything at all. Just staring. Staring at the people crying. She can't feel emotions, that's right. But it still feels wrong that she feels nothing. I sit back in my seat and close my eyes, trying to picture my black-haired peer. It was curly hair, that's right, and he wore that black trenchcoat. I didn't even know him that well and I miss him. He would have been a good friend.

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