Chapter 11 - Charlie's Angels

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Thank god we got off school today. I mean, sure I absolutely love computer class, but I can freely dance on the streets to Walking on Sunshine without the stares. I take a twirl and another, throwing my arms in the air, when I feel something touch my finger tips. I shoot my arms down and one ear bud falls off but I'm still staring wide eyed at the point where someone touched me. This is going to sound so horror movie, but there's nothing there. My eyes grow wide and I slowly keep on walking, music still blaring in one ear. I take a deep breath.

"It's just the wind, nothing more," I whisper to myself

Suddenly, some of my red hair is caught in someones hand and I'm painfully carried a couple inches forward.

"Okay, not the wind." I whip around, looking at the clear skies above me. What. The. Hell. Now I'm running, clutching onto my iPod and ear buds. When someone grabs my waist and heaves me into the air.

"Dean." I hear a voice sigh. Deanna? Or another creep named Dean. I stare down and suddenly, my surroundings grow slower, like a slow mo thing. I can see a trench coat flapping in the wind and those boots Dean practically worshiped and wouldn't let us wear in case we were to damage them.

"Holy Crap." I shout

"Hey, Charlie!" That's Dean's voice. But it can't be.

"What's going on?" I shout back

"Dean I think we should let her go." Said the other voice. Was that, Castia? Castia Novak? 

"Fine." and with that one word I see black feathers and I find myself back on the pavement, really close to my home now. I sit on the ground, trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and then I stand up cautiously, brushing myself off and walking forward. I don't bother turning on my music again, I'm too busy trying to figure out what just happened. It had to be magic or something like that. Oh my god, all those times playing ideo games and thinking maybe, just maybe it was real. It was. It was! I bounce on the balls of my feet and start running home, mind swimming with all the different things that could be happening. I slam my hands into the screen door of my house and rush it, my shoes flying off and I'm srinting upstairs to my laptop. I open the lid and minimise all the tabs until I take a one I don't need anymore and type into Google "Real Angels". Mostly a bunch of crap with light reflecting from the window so it looks like an angel, but one tab I pulled up showed a girl with red hair, more red than mine and shorter. She was awfully pretty and I smiled when looking at her photo, even if she was scared to death. The headline read: Mysterious angel encounter, witnesses say she broke the windows of a nearby diner and left everyone in the site either dead or deaf. Is this angel friendly? I smirk. Well that's one angel. She kinda looks familer. I print out the article and stuff it in my bag. I need to show Deanna this.

I rush downstairs again, closing the door behind me and make my way to her house. When I get there, I shout in the window, "I'm here, bitches!" I here shuffling, hushed voices, I large slam, and finally Sam opens the door.

"Hey, Charlie." she sighs

"Sup." I ask, beaming

"Nothing much. Come on in." I skip through the door and sit on the couch

"So, I didn't actually just come to see you guys. Where's Deanna?"



We sit there in awkward silence before I speak up again.

"So, I guess I'll show you if she's going to take this long."

"Show me what?" Sam looks really, REALLY confused. 

"Here" I pull out the article and read it to hm. His eyes grow wide and he starts looking around frantically. I stop.

"Did you loose something, Sam? I'm kinda reading you this awesome article."

"Oh yeah, sorry, it's just umm, Dean hurry up!" he shouts.

She comes rushing in, "What did I miss?"

"Charlie found an article on angels." he smiles, but it's totally fake

Dean bites her lower lip and snatches it from me.

"Hey!" I exclaim, but Dean isn't listening.

"Anna..." she breathes

"What? You know this chick?" I ask

"No." she stuffs the papers back into my hands, "Not at all."

I shrug, but do not keep reading. It's pretty obvious this annoys them.

"Well that's all I came here for so, peace out bitches." I give them a spock handshake and run off. I have no idea whats going on.

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