Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ever since the kiss I have felt emotions I'm not supposed to have. Father said when I came to this school, that feelings weren't supposed to be felt by things like me and him. My family. The angels. I was the closest to dad, especially after Anna said she no longer wanted to be part of the family. I miss Anna, how she was always around. She only visits sometimes now. She was my best friend. I looked up to her, as I look up to dad now. It's difficult to be the only female in a household of men, with kiss-up Uriel and obnoxious Gabriel. Don't get me started on Lucifer.

I'm too young to do my fathers chores, but everyday I go out flying, preparing myself for the day in which I am able to be more helpful.

When I was sent to the school, dad said it was so I could learn more about the race of humans below that he helps everyday. I was surprised when nobody sat next to me, but then the oldest woman told a younger to sit next to me. The girl was cold to me, and I couldn't help but find myself wondering if it was something I did to her, that caused her to ignore me. Than I got punched in the hallway. It took all my self control not to just blast them to ashes. I would get into a lot a trouble but hey, they deserved it. Never would I thought that the fair-haired girl could have the power and integrity to stand up for me. I watched in awe at the force she threw at the boys. Then her hand grasped mine and we were running through the hallways, to relax in a small room filled with plastic bottles and mops. I tried to stay, human seeming. But looking into her eyes, Dean's eyes lacking emotion like me but slowly exploding with color. And her brushing my face with the cloth and calling me pretty, a bit of my wings tried to poke through from the raise in emotion. I was attracted to this female girl, and her lips touched mine. It felt right. She was clever, entertaining, and sweet. But she wasn't one to usually kiss girls, that was obvious. She was going to feel awkward. I needed to help her situation.

So during gym I stared at her amazing silky hair and took a deep breath. It was time. I told her to forget it happened. When I fell on her, I wondered whether it was really an accident. Or if my father was trying to tell me something. When Dean ran out, I watched as a boy followed her. And they didn't exit until after the class period. Dean ignored me. I must have done something.

Dad doesn't care about me loving another girl. In fact, he was happy that I know the joys of the human race. But it hurts, in my heart. I want to be with Dean.

The school dance is quickly approaching, and Dean is going with her boyfriend, or at least I overheard her saying. That weird Jack kid. I don't like him much. Nobody asked me to go with them, but of course I need to. Dean will be there. So on the day of the dance I get there an hour early, helping set up. People fill the gym and meet up with their date, the music starts up. Feet hit the ground and smiles spread through the room. But among the faces Dean's perfect one isn't one of them. Welcome to the Black Parade starts playing, and I sigh, closing my eyes for a couple seconds, just listening to "When I was a young boy, my father took me to the city, to see a marching band". At the word band, my eyes snap open unintentionally. Then she walks through the door. She wears a red tight dress, up to her knees, and a small matching sequined purse. A red ribbon pulls her hair back, and lipstick the same color. Jack walks up to her, holding his hands out to invite her to dance, she waves him off and sits down, looking around. Our eyes meet for a second, but she turns her head first, to where Jack is standing, near the punch bowl. The song ends with marching band drums, and Dean gets up to slow dance with Jack to Fix You. I sit back and watch her rest her look into his eyes, her face settling into perfect happiness. She will never look at me like that. As he turns her around we gain eye contact again. I see as her eyes calm as they meet mine. As the song hits the last chorus, she leaves Jack and walks over to me. Why would she do that. Why does she care whether I'm sad or not. But she smiles.

"Do you want to talk outside?" Of course I did. I nod and she takes my hand and pulls me out of the gym.

"So." I sways back and forth

"Why did you stop dancing with him"

She smiles, "You looked like you needed me more."

"I do."

The blurred sounds of music from inside the gym turn to Mr. Brightside. She holds out her hand and I take it. Then we start dancing. Slow dancing to the fast song. I put one hand on her waist and another on her shoulder. She tries to do the same, but can't really.

"Oh fuck it." She just puts two arms around my waist and pulls me in, forcing me to put my arms around her neck. She's taller than me, so I look up into those green eyes and whisper, "Shall we dance. She smiles and starts swaying me back and forth. I smile into her neck and accidentally trip over the long blue silky dress I'm wearing. I fall again onto her, but this time she just laughs.

"This time I don't mind." She takes the flower clip out of my hair.

I close my eyes and lean in, kissing her. It feels different from inside the broom closet. Then it was trying something new. This time it's something more, it feels more meaningful. I didn't think she had to kiss me then, but now I had to kiss her. I understand how Dean felt. She kisses back more forcefully, flipping me over so she was ontop of me. I try to keep up, but she gets really into it. Different songs past but we are still going. She is so perfect, so good at kissing. I can't fight it anymore.

Large black feathery wings spread out of my back, curling around her. She looks at them, me, and sighs.

"Yes, I suppose you would be an angel." then goes back to kissing me. I push her away.

"How are you not like freaking out right now. I'm an angel of the lord. You are making out with an angel and you're not even caring."

She shrugs, "I met your brother once. Uriel? Well he is a bitch but I don't think you are, are you?"

I shake my head, "Sorry about Uriel. Nobody likes him."

"I can see why. I think you should probably tuck away your wings. Other people won't react the way I did, and other people will be coming soon, she tilts her way to the door. The music had stopped and the voice of or principal blasts through the gym. She is wrapping up the dance. SHe stands, helping me up. Her hair is ruffled, and I giggle.

"What?" I brush it down, which her eyes roll to.

"See you tomorrow, Cas" After all that she still calls me Cas, a normal name. After she learned I was a freak. She still likes me. Not only that, she loves me.

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