Chapter 14 - In Which I Actually Progress The Plot

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I look at Cas and throw her a gun. We finally reached the destination after leaving the house 8 hours ago. It's 12:16 now, so if we want to get home in time for school tomorrow we have 10 hours. Oh god, I hope that'll be enough.

We've been practicing for a while. A different shooting range, of course, after what happened to the last one. Cas is pretty good with her gun, but she is better with her celestial powers and an "angel blade" as she calls it. I'll handle the guns.

We aren't fighting Anna yet, first I'm taking her on smaller missions, things like demons and ghosts. This is just a classic black eyed demon, something my father could take care of in less than 4 hours, but I'm still a hunter in training. Cas will help me, though she is also still mastering her powers, her powers are more effective than my skills.

The destination is Boulder, Colorado. There's a house that's been through a lot of supernatural experiences lately, the usual flickering lights and moving objects. It was all a joke to the growing family, the house wife talking to other soccer moms and laughing, but the fun and games all stopped when the dad got his neck slit at night. The mom freaked and called the police, they put it in the papers, and that's where I found the case. Since then the women has put the house on the market, but that isn't working out too well. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for Cas to get some experience before facing her sister, while I get to kick some demon ass.

We disguised as house hunters (Cas didn't understand why we needed to pretend we were someone else, I explained that to her) and dressed in our best clothes. For me that was the dress I wore to the dance. for her it was a dress she found in her vessel's closet, I picked it out for her, and we ran up the steps to the haunted home.

A women greeted us at the door with a huge smile and brochures for the house, which slowly dulled down when she saw that we looked like teenage girls.

"We're here to look at the house?" I asked, turning to point to the open house sign, "I understand we can today."

"Aren't you two a little..."

"Young? Yeah people say we look a lot younger than we are. Here." I showed her a fake drivers licence showing that I'm 22. It's pretty convincing, though, and she buys it.

"Umm, come inside. Please." The bright smile returns as she leads us into the house.

"This is the living room, a great place to relax with some friends. You two are roomates, right?"

"No, actually," Cas speaks up, "We're girlfriends."

"Like friends, who are girls?" She looks actually concerned

"Not exactly we uh-"

"We kiss and fuck each other." I step in.

"Oh. Well. I'm not exactly one to agree with such acts of- the same gender doing such things, especially before marriage, but I guess it would be fine in this house? Please let us continue the tour. I'm guessing if you ever change your mind about you and her together, there are two bedrooms."

"Don't worry. We won't." Cas smiles and tilts her head, "Now can we continue?"

The women shakes her head and walks a little farther ahead from us.

I clear my throat, "Um, excuse me? Can I use the bathroom?"

"Yes, go ahead." then when she thinks i'm not within hearing she mumbles, "It's not like God is going to stop you. It's not like your sins will go unseen." I laugh a little, thinking about how Cas' dad is actually completely fine with homosexuals.

When Cas and the homophobic real estate agent go upstairs, I look around for a set of keys, scrambling near the front door. It has to be here somewhere. They have to keep a set of keys in front of the door. Then I see a bin with hooks around the side with different keys hanging from different hooks, each labeled. Of course they would have this. Very convenient actually. I quickly snatch a house key and stuff it in my purse, running upstairs to meet the others.

"And that's this level- Oh. Hello. Did you finish?"

"Yeah. I did." I smile sarcastically and grab Cas' hand. "We'll be leaving now, won't we. We're kinda tired of your homophobic shit. Come on, babe. We got other places to look at."

I tug her out of the house and back to the car.

"Did you get it?" she asks

"Oh yes. It was actually really easy when it was labeled."

"Some humans who think they are being the smartest can turn out to be the most unintelligent."

"Words of wisdom there, Cas. Words of wisdom." I plant a kiss on her lips and start up Baby.

We stay at a cheap motel until it's time to go out. I decide we should take a nap, but Cas isn't used to the scratchy motel beds. I shower her with kisses and wrap my arms around her to make her feel more comfortable, but we both can't sleep, so instead we think to ourselves and watch time pass. It's relaxing. Especially when we're together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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