Chapter 9 - Cas Explores Something With Dean And I Start Using Chapter Titles

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SO. As the title of this part says I'm gonna experiment using chapter titles. If this gets annoying try to tell me before I get too in love with making the weirdest chapter titles.WARNING: Kinda smut. More like a INTENSE make out scene. So know your boundaries. If you can't deal with it, skip to where it ends. It's my first time, so they don't do anything to bad. Just be warned. And now for the weather:


I let my arm fall over the open window of Dean's car and I can feel the cool wind biting at my finger tips. The street lamps cause them to glow a little. On the fast highway the blurred visions of cars run past me, as though the world is speeding past me as well. I close my eyes and I feel Dean rest a hand on my own. I smile a little and live in this moment, live it as if I'm an ordinary teenage girl, not a supernatural being. Each deep breath fills me with energy, and my mind is populated with thoughts of the one next to me. I open my eyes slowly and stare at her, speaking softly.

"Would you mind if I entered your mind?"

She laughs a little, "You mean like look in my thoughts? I'm not too sure that's a good idea."

"Why?" I ask

"Because it's a dark place, Cas." she sighs

I know that. I've been there once before, when I researched her. It was not pleasant.

"Please?" She looks at me cautiously and then snaps back onto the road.

"Okay." With her permission, I raise two fingers to her forehead. She pulls back, but I've already entered.

It's dark, and images of me and Sam run across it. Sam as a child, baby photos. Pictures of Christmases spent alone with him. Those memories are somewhat lighter. On the other side however, there are pictures of her father beating her, arguing with Sam. She doesn't have many good memories of her father. Then the memory of the burning house. I dig through all the visuals, bad thoughts, all in a large pile. In the center I find the one thought I need. What I need to do to make Dean feel happy. Oh. I nod, I can do that. I need to do that.

I snap out of her mind and back into the passenger seat.

"How was it?" Dean turns a corner.

"Much as I thought it would be."

She raises an eyebrow, "You were expecting that?"

I don't say anything, just sit quietly looking out the now closed window. She pulls up to her home and turns to me.

"You weren't supposed to see that." she says. I nod and get out of the car. I start to walk away, but she runs up to me and grabs my hand, pushing me back into her.

"How about I make up for it?" she smirks

"What? I-" But I am silenced with her lips. We are kissing again, and I push back, push her back into her house. She starts to pull up my shirt and I'm leaning into her. Sam watches us as she takes off my shirt and I am only wearing a black bra. He sighs and goes back to his chemistry homework. We travel to the bedroom, where she traces the scar running up my entire back.

"Where did you get this?" she breathes into my ear, nibbling it gently.

"It's where my wings go. Into my skin." I answer, but it's hard for me to talk, or even exhale.

"That's pretty gross." she pulls off her shirt and I pull her close to me. I can feel her heat.

"Shut up." I mutter. She laughs, and her head falls back, exposing her neck.

"Then lets not talk." she rests her fingers on the rim of my pants and gives it a small tug. I slip out of my jeans and she takes off her's. She pushes me to the wall, smelling my neck and brushing it with her lips.

"Dean. I'm not used to this."

"Shh. No talking, remember?" she nibbles on my lip and I fall silent her hand caresses the scar, up and down, until one hand touches my butt.

"Nice ass" she snickers and kisses my lips and pecks her way down. When she reaches my collar bone, she stops to pull me to the bed and lay on top of me, and continues down to my breasts. There she stops, and rests her head on me.

"Lets stop there."

"Yes." I agree. I don't want to go too into this. I pull her closer to me, and I lay with her again tonight. I feel her crying, too silent to actually hear. I turn her around and gaze into her amazing eyes.

"Forget about your past. Focus on your future, and hopefully how you'll spend it with me, Sam, and your beautiful self."

"I'm not beautiful."

"Yes you are, Deanna Winchester. You are the most beautiful, kind, sweet, amazing, perfect person I have ever met." I pull her inner forearm to look at it closer, kissing each scar, "These are your bad days, bad memories. But they're memories. Please don't make anymore. I let my finger trace each scar and they disappear.

"That scar on your back, I've seen that kinda thing before. That isn't just your wings, is it?"

"I have a bad background, also. But I've learned to move on. And- you have given me something to move on to. Thank you."

"Oh, Cas." she is crying again, and I hold her in my arms. We will help each other.

And we are falling asleep again, this time both of us in an emotional wreck. I know one thing. I'm going to protect her.

I lay her down softly on the mattress. And get up. Of course it's happening now. And I have to hear it. In the next room over, I hear grunts and sighs, a table moving back and forth. I walk in to see Sam leaning over my brother, Gabriel's back. They are completely naked, and Sam is pushing his crotch into my brother's behind.

"Can you do this somewhere else?" I sigh. Sam stands, paralyzed, like a deer (or moose) in the spotlight. Gabriel however, stands behind his partner and continues banging him.

"No way, little sis." He says. Oh well, I tried. I go back to Dean, and smile into her silky hair. I smile myself to sleep.

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