Chapter 16

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I really... I really... I don't know. I'm not sure at all.

"Oh uh Ross Lynch? The principal needs you in his office." Mrs.McCorrmick said.

Everyone gave me death glares.

"Uh okay." I nervously said.

I walked to the Mr. Stone's office.

"He raped and hit a girl! He at least needs to get suspended!" he yelled.

"I'm here sir." I said akwardly.

"Oh, Mr. Lynch. Take a seat." he said.

I took a seat and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"You will be suspended for two weeks and will need to pay Veronica's hospital for the time she is there." he said.

I nodded my head.

"You will also be sent to court for violating a minor AND forcefully." he said.

"Please sir. I can pay and be suspended but no jail! Please!" I begged going on my knees.

"Okay, fine Mr. Lynch. You will have three weeks detention after your suspension." he said.

"Thank you, sir." I sighed.

"Whatever." he said.

I walked out of the room and went straight to the hospital. I ran three red lights and almost getting in a car accident.

"Um...Veronica? Teen? Coma standard?" I said to the receptionist.

"Room 132." she smiled.

I winked at her and I ran up the flights of stairs. It was so much running!
I went inside the room. Veronica was with a monitor attached to her and her "lifeless" body on a hospital bed.

"Veronica?" I asked.

Veronica's POV

I heard a door open and a few footsteps.

"Veronica?" a familiar voice asked.

Ross! Oh my god help me!

I wiggled my finger and wiggled it as much as I could.

"What is with the wi- oh god. Ross...get out..." Owen said.

"I just wanted to apologize." Ross said.

"Apologize for what? Raping her and making her slip into a coma?" he yelled.

"Look! I was drunk! I really didn't mean it!" Ross screamed.

I wiggled my finger side to side. This means 'no'.

"Veronica, he did all of this to you. Do you want to accept his stupid and phony apology?" Owen asked.

I wiggled my finger side to side.

"Is that a no?" Ross asked.

I wiggled my finger up and down.

"Yup. Its a no." Owen said.

I heard crying, deep crying. I heard a slam of a door and a pair of lips on mine. Magical...

Ross's POV

"Veronica, he did all of this to you. Do you want to accept his stupid and phony apology?" Owen asked.

She wiggled my finger side to side.

"Is that a no?" I asked.

She wiggled my finger up and down.

"Yup. Its a no." Owen said.

I was crying hard. Very hard. I slammed the door on my way out, angry at myself. Good thing I had a razor in my pocket.

I ran to the bathroom and ran to the sink. I closed my eyelids and put the razor to my arms. I made it sink in my skin and I spelled BULLSHIT.

"That's what I am..." I whispered.

I opened my eyes and saw a sink filled with blood and itty bitty pieces of skin. I turned the sink to cold water to let the water burn against my skin. It hurt like hell! I was crying, hard...

Bad Boy ➳ Ross Lynch (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن