I Had A Nightmare...

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Lance sat next to Keith who was crying. 

"You had a nightmare too?"

Keith just nodded.  Lance hugged Keith tightly to make Keith calm down.  The two boys just sat there in silence. Then Keith spoked up.

"Tell about you're nightmare..."

"So, you were in galra form, but you were growling at me.  Then you jumped on me and bit my neck."

Keith noticed that Lance was about to cry again.  He hugged him tighter trying to make the taller boy  relax.  Lance spoked up.

"So tell me about your nightmare..."

"I was in galra form, I was running but I didn't know from who.  Then I felt something grab my leg.  I tripped and saw Pidge's bayard on my leg, I looked up at Pidge who had a deadly look.  Then in the distance I saw you and then others cathing up.  Then Shiro (space dad!!!) told Hunk to block the exit.  They both ran pass me and the blocked the exit.  Then you were right in front of me.  Y-you had your b-bayard (it's in weapon form) p-pointing at m-me.  A-and then y-you... you...."

Lance hugged Keith tighter.  He could feel Keith's tears on his shoulder.

"Keith, I would never kill you, and I'm pretty sure you never want to hurt me."

Keith nodded and asked Lance for something.

"Can you... can you sleep with me tonight... please?"

"Of course babe."

Keith laughed at little.  The boys then got under the covers and slept while hugging each other.

Keith woke up and found himself cuddling with his sleeping boyfriend.  Keith just stayed there.  He didn't want to move, he felt warm.  Then Lance started shifting.  Keith looked up and saw a sleepy Lance looking at him.

"How did you sleep?"

"Great, what about you babe?"

Keith nodded.  The boys just layed there cuddling on the bed.  None of them dared to move.  The Lance's stomach grumblef (or growled? Idfk, he was hungry).  Keith then looked up at Lance.



"Let's get some breakfast then."

Lance nodded.  Then boys layed there for a few more minutes.  Then they got up and made their way to the dinning room.  Everybody was already there.  Lance and Keith sat next to each other.  Coran came in with breakfast.  That mourning was usual.  Hunk eating most of the breakfast.  Pidge talking to Coran about science (or smart stuff idk), and Allura blushing every time Shiro talks to her.  Lance was talking to Keith.  Out of nowhere he sneezed.

"And maybe we should... Ah... Ah... Achoo (is that how you spell it?)! 

Everybody gasped to see that a sneeze turned Keith into his galra form.  (OMG just imagine Keith's ears popped out when he sneezed... SO ADORABLE!). Lance covered his face.

"Keith... That was too adorable for your own good!"

Everybody laughed to see the couple blush madly.  Once everybody calmed down.  Allura spoked up. 

"Alright everyone. Get yourselfs dressed because we're going to train."

Everybody went to their rooms to get themselves ready. 

Time skip to after training

Everybody was exhausted.  Keith and Lance were talking with each other.

"Not bad babe, buuuut... not you're still not the best."

"Look who's talking... you fallen to the ground like eight times!"

"OK I've fallen SEVEN times!"

The boys looked like they were going to start a fight, but Lance just hugged the red paladin and kissed him on the forehead.

"I can't stay mad at you!  You're too adorable!"

Keith hid his red face in the taller boy's chest.


Pidge came over with a smirk on her face.

"Omg guys, get a room!"

"Sorry Pidge! Can't hear ya!"

Lance gently lifted Keith head.  He gave him a gentle kiss (is that thing?) is front of the team.  Allura and Pidge were smiling.  The two boys broke away from the kiss.  Keith crossed his arms and looked away.  Keith blushed more.

"I hate you..."

"No you don't.  You love me!"

Lance hugged Keith which made him blush more (if that's even possible).  Everybody just laughed.  Coran then spoked up.

"Alright everyone!  Let's head to the dinning room!"

Time skip

Everybody was seated at the table eating their food.  Out of no where Lance spoked up.

"Hey guys want to play a game?"

"What's it called?" (Hunk)

"It's called confession-

"Of course you would make up a game." (Pidge)

"Oh shut Pidge!  Anyways, you need to confess something that you been hiding for a long time.  Here I'll go first.  Keith, when I first met you, I wasn't sure how I felt towards you, but ever since we had that bonding moment... I knew I love."

Everybody was "awwing" at Lance.  He then picked Keith to go next.

"Alright babe. your turn."

"Alright let's see... when we met for the first time... I sort of... had a little crush on you..." Keith mumbled the last part.  Pidge and Allura were jumping up down.  (That's right, they literally got up and started jumping). Keith felt embarrassed and picked the next person.

"A-Allura, your next..."

She stopped jumping up and down and a blush crept on her face.

"Uh let's see... I ... I... I LOVE SHIRO!"

Shiro sat there in shock.  Everybody was clapping.  Allura then buried her head in her arms.

"S-Shiro, your t-turn..."

"Oh! Let's see... I love Allura."

Everyone was now celebrating.  The two (*cough* the couple *cough*) were now full own blushing.  Then Keith spoked.

"Now you know how we feel."

Everbody started laughing. Which made Shiro and Allura blush even more.  Pidge then spoked up.

"It's getting late.  He should probably get some rest."

Everybody left and headed to their rooms.  Allura was leaving, but then Shiro said something that made Allura blush more.

"Goodnight... sweetie."

"... Goodnight honey.x

Soon, all the paladins were sleeping.
Everybody was still sleeping. Then the alarm went off, Allura's voice came on the speaker.


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