"Slight" Fever

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The couple were sleeping peacefully.  Neither of them moved.  They were in the comfort in each other's warmth.  Lance started to squirm around.  He opened his eyes and found himself hugging someone.  He looked down and saw Keith sleeping with his arms around Lance's waist.  He smiled to see the other one sleeping.  Lance tried to take Keith's arms of his waist, but that just made Keith hug tighter.  Lance sighed in defeat.  He hugged tighter as well and waited for Keith to wake up. 

Time Skip
It has been at least 45 minutes and Keith was still asleep.  Lance then tired to wake Keith up.

"Hey Keith... Kitty... You need to wake up..."

"...5 .... More ..... Hours ...... Please ......."

"Come babe, you'll have to get up eventually."

"Nuuuu!  I don't want to!"

Lance found it funny to see Keith like this, but they really need to get up before they miss breakfast.  Just then, Lance had an idea.



Keith jumped out of bed and toppled over.  Making him fall.  Lance couldn't help but laugh.

Sorry babe. I just had to get you up.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"


Keith didn't respond.  He had is hand on his for head.  Lance started to look worried.

"Babe? Are you okay???"

"I feel... Really... W-weak..."

Lance got out of bed and touched his boyfriend's head.

"Geez babe... You have a fever-

"N-no I d-don't."

Keith tried to get up, but he was unable to.  Lance then helped him and placed him on the bed. 

"I'll be right back.  I'll go see if we have medicine."

"... On... Hurry back... Please..."

Lance ran out of the room and headed towards the dinning room where everbody was. 

"Hey guys. Have you seen the medicine?"

"It's in the bathroom, why?" (Pidge)

"I need to get it for Keith.  He has a fever."

"How did he get a fever?  He was the healing pod.  It should have cured him if he was sick" (Allura)

"I'll go ask him."

Lance made sure to grab a spoon first.  Then he made his way to the bathroom.  He found the medicine and sprinted all the way back to Keith's room.  Once he got there, he saw Keith under the covers all curled up.

"Cold babe?"


"I found the medicine for you."

Lance pours the medicine into the spoon and held it to Keith mouth.  But the red paladin covered his mouth with the blankets.

"Come Keith...Do for mothman."

"I'm still mad at you for that."

"Do it to get it over with."


"Do it for a... Kiss~"

Keith sat up and opened his mouth.  Lance gave the red paladin his medicine.  Keith gavr a nasty look.

"YUCK!  I hate that medicine!"

"Come on Keith.  It will make you feel better. "

"... You owe me a kiss..."

"Oh yeah! I do!"

Lance leaned down and kissed the smaller boy.  They kissed for about 40 seconds (another YES). Then they pulled away from each other to breath.  Keith was hugging Lance.

"Uh babe? Would you uh... Let me go?"

"...you're warm..."

Lance hugged Keith as well.  The boys were now sitting on the bed.  Lance looked over his shoulder and saw that Keith feel asleep.  He slipped Keith and himself under the covers.

"It wouldn't be bad to take a short nap."

Time Skip
Lance woke up first again.  He looked down and saw Keith.  He hugged him tighter.  About 20 minutes later, Keith woke up and saw Lance looking down at him.

"Did you sleep well babe?"

"... Yeah..."

"How are you feeling?"

"A lot better actually."

The boys kept snuggling for a little awhile.  They were perfectlyberoom .  Lance then touched Keith head.

"No fever... That's a good sign.  By the way, how did you get a fever anyway?"

"I don't really remember-... Oh wait!  When I was held captive, there this guard and he looked like he was about to fall.  Maybe I caught it from him."

"Well... Good to know that your feeling better babe."

"...yeah, I didn't want to feel weak again..."

"Come on let's get up and have something to eat.  You must be hungry."

"... Yeah..."

The boys them got out of bed and walk to the dinning room.  Lance told Keith to sit down while he made breakfast.  The red paladin took a seat and waited patiently for breakfast.  Lance soon came in with scrambled eggs and bacon (don't ask where they got earth food, they just have it).  The boys were eating quietly.  Then Keith spoke up. 

"The castle is really quiet..."

"Yeah,  too quiet... What to got look for the others?"

"Yeah... After were done eating."


The boys continued eating.  Once they were finish, they got and looked for the others.  The boys looked the kitchen,  living room, bathroom, closet, etc, but they couldn't find anyone.

"Where is everyone?"

"Don't know babe... Maybe they're on mission or something."

"Probably...  I going to check yo see the lions are still there."

"Alright,  I'll stay here."

Keith walked off.  Lance stood in the control room alone waiting patiently for Keith to come back.

Time Skip
It has been half and hour and Lance started yo worry about Keith.  Just then, Keith walked in.

"Weird... Everybody is gone.  But the lions are still here..."

"Maybe they're somewhere outside the ship."

"Let's check."

Both of them checked on the cameras.  They sighed in relief to find them outside repairing the side of the ship.  Lance called in.

"Thank god.  We thought something bad happen you guys."

"Sorry Lance.  We didn't want to disturb you and Keith." (Allura)

"What are you guys doing anyway?" (Keith)

"A meteor hit the side of the ship.  We're just fixing it up." (Shiro)

"Alright...". (Lance)

"There! It's finish!  You two, mind opening the door for us?"

"On our way!"

Time Skip
"Glad to see you guys are okay." (Lance)

"Were you two worried that much?" (Hunk)

"Yep! Hey Keith!"


"We need to talk about the collar babe..."

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