The Tickle War

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The entire room was filled with Keith's purrs.  Purrs and nothing but purrs.   Lance kept scratching and scratching Keith's ears.  Like it was his life mission or something. He didn't find himself stopping anytime soon.

"Looks like a cat, acts like a cat.  Babe, you are a cat. "

Keith didn't acknowledge Lance's comment.  He found the touch of Lance's hands extremely enjoyable.  He didn't want to stop.  Keith just kept purring.  He didn't really care if Lance scratch his ears.  If it really does feel nice every time the blue paladin does it, he had no problem with it.  The two were so entertained by this that it went on for 45 minutes.  Lance then soon stop scratching and fell beside Keith on the bed.  The galra kept purring a few seconds after.  Keith then stopped and realized that Lance was no longer scratching him.  He  turned over and looked at Lance, who was fast asleep.


Lance didn't respond, instead, he grabbed Keith's waist and brought him close.  Keith was shocked, but just snuggled into the blue paladin's chest.

"Are you that tired of scratching?"

Keith smirked as he was now looking at Lance's face.  He then opened an eye.

"And does the big purple cat finally sees the enjoyment of being scratch?"

Keith's smirk left his face, which was now turning red.  The cat just the buried his face in Lance's chest.  And Lance couldn't help but laugh and hugged Keith tighter.

"Guess that's a yes to both of our question!"

"Shut it!"

Lance's laugh then dies down.  Keith snuggled closer to Lance.  The galra then heard Lance giggle.

"Lance what are you... "

"Heheh! Oh! Um! I was... Uhhh"

Then Keith had a thought.

Are my ears tickling his neck?

Keith then started shaking his head.  Lance tried his very best to hold his laughter.   He instead just pushed Keith away.

"Keith stop!  Your ears are tickling me!"

Keith then smirked and pinned Lance down on the bed.  He lowered his head down onto Lance's neck and started to shake his head.  Lance bursted into laughter.  Lance then tried to speak.


"Fight? This here blue paladin, is THE TICKLE WAR!"

Keith kept shaking his head.  Lance was laughing hard.  He was even crying.  After a while, Lance's side start to hurt.  That's when Keith stop to prevent from becoming more dizzy.  The blue paladin took advantage of this and pinned down Keith.  For now, he was the one on top.

"You... Think you can... Just...  Hang on I'm out of breath!"

Keith was shocked.  He pouted for letting his guard down for a second.   Once Lance caught his breath, he smirked and looked at Keith.

"And now... Time for REVENGE!"

Lance then lowered his head onto Keith's neck and started kissing it.


Keith just kept laughing. And started kicking.  Apparently, he wasn't looking where he was kicking and actually kicked Lance in the stomach.  Lance immediately stopped.  He fell to the ground and hugged his stomach.


"LANCE!  Uh, I didn't mean to do that! I swear!"

"what's with you hurting me?!"

Lance just kept hugging his stomach.  Keith did his very best to comfort his boyfriend.  It actually seemed forever of Lance whining about his pain and Keith sighing over his boyfriend's dramatic approach to the pain.  After a while.

"Want me to take you to the healing pods?"

"Yes p-please!"

Keith helped Lance up and helped him make his way to the healing pods.  While on their way, they happen to run into Hunk.  And he started to panic.


"He's fine, just got kicked in the stomach by me, and I'm taking him to the healing pods."

Hunk nodded and allowed the couple to continue on their journey to the healing pods.  They also ran into the other and Keith had to explain the same thing over and over again.  Keith started to get annoyed.  Once they reached the healing pods, Keith just shoved Lance into one.


"You said you wanted a healing pod, now rest up."

The healing pod closed and Lance got himself comfortable in it, after a few minutes he fell asleep.  Keith knew he wouldn't be there for too long, after all, it was just a kick, a strong kick, to the stomach.  Keith just kept watching  Lance.  Just to see if he would make any sudden movements.

30 Minutes Later

The healing pod then opened and Lance fell on the floor.  Keith was holding in his laughter.

"Ow... Why didn't you catch me?!"

"Was I supposed to?"

Keith then just start laughing.  So much for holding it in.  Lance then got up, he just had an expression on his face that said,  how could you? 

"You know, nothing is cuter that a cute laughing purple cat. "

Keith then stopped laughing and looked at Lance.  With a blushing growing on his face.

"Heh, you are so adorable... Keith?"

Keith was shaking, if fact he looked like he was on the verge of fainting.

"Keith? Babe? You okay?"

Lance grabbed ahold of Keith before he fell to the ground.  The paladin then put Keith in the healing pod.  And the gala soon fell unconscious.  Right before Keith went out, he said to words that were softer than a whisper.

"Lance... Help... "

Lance then started yelling for everybody to come to the healing pods.  Soon enough everybody came.   While everybody with an concerned expression, Pidge had a irritated expression.  The blue paladin started explaining what happen.  How Keith stopped laughing.  How he started shaking.  How he fell unconscious all the sudden.  Everybody soon started to grow worried.  During the group conversation, they heard a sound.


Lance and Hunk heard it, the two looked at the others.


Pidge, Shiro, Allura, and Coran heard it.


Keith was trying to break out.

Hi! This was actually suppose to come out last week, but I was caught in so many things and I was really upset with myself, anyways here it is!  Hope you enjoyed it!

Midnightkiddo15  signing off!

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