Wake Up... Please...

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"Keith are you alright?!" (Shiro)


"Uh guys... They're shooting more lasers at us!" (Hunk)

"We'll settle this later!  Everyone, head to the ship(or castle idk)!"

All the lions started flying towards the castle.  Allura called in.

"Quickly!  The barrier can't hold up much longer!  I'll create a wormhole!"

All five paladins reached the ship.  Allura focused and created a wormhole and flew off.  They've reached the otherside, just in time before the barrier shut down.  Everybody got out their lions.  Once Lance was out, he ran all the way to red while everyone followed behind.  Once Lance reached the red lion, red opened her mouth to let him in.  Lance walked in to see Keith still bleeding and passed out.  He quickly picked up the red paladin bridle style and took him outside of red.  Everybody gasped to see Keith in this state.

"Hurry! Let's get him into a healing pod(is that what they're called?) at once!". (Coran)

Lance followed Coran while holding Keith tightly as the others followed.

Time skip
Keith was now in the healing pod.  He has been there for awhile now.  It was getting really late and Lance was the only one waiting for him.  Everybody else left.  Lance was sitting next to the pod.  He didn't want to leave.  He wanted to be their when Keith woke up.  Lance started drifting to sleep, then the door opened.  He looked up and saw Allura approaching him.

"Lance, you should really get some rest."

"I'm... I'm not... Tired."

There was a short silence between them.  Lance then spoked up.

"... How... How long is he going to be in there?"

"Not sure to be honest.  It will be awhile-

"It didn't took that long for me to heal!"

"Lance, you only had bruised, scrapes, and a few cuts.  Keith on the other hand was shot on his side.  Do you understand that he needs a lot more time to heal?"

"... Yeah..."

"Good.  But Lance, you should really get some rest.  It's not good for you to stay up.  I'm pretty sure that Keith wants you okay..."

"Alright... I'll go to bed (Space mom; include that if you want)..."

Lance then got up and head straight towards his room.  Once he got there, he stood in front if his door for a good minute.  Lance then opened the door.  He then launched himself into bed.

"... This is a lot comfortable that the floor..."

Lance didn't want to sleep though.  He wanted to check up in Keith to make sure he was doing okay. But Lance couldn't fight it.  He slowly closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Lance woke up the next day feeling more lazy and tired then usually.  He was wondering if he had overslept.  He got out of bed and made his way to the dinning room.  He saw the others there already eating breakfast.

"Morning bud, good thing I made extra!"

Lance sat down.  Hunk then came in with Lance's breakfast.  He sets it in front of Lance. 

"Is Keith awake yet?"

"Not yet... but on the bright side his wound is getting better." (Pidge)

Lance started to eat breakfast.  Even though he was the last on to start, he was they first one to finish.  He was extremely hungry.  Lance then dismissed himself from the table and headed towards Keith.  Once Lance reached him, he saw that Keith's wound was small(SHMOL)er than before.  He gave a sad smile.  He want to hug his boyfriend again.  He wants to hear him laugh again.  He wants to say love you to him again.  Lance sat beside the healing pod again.  He sat there for a good seven hours.  He then looked over at Keith and saw that his wound was completely gone.  He jumped up and got in front of the pod.  He was hoping if the pod would open.  About ten minutes later, Lance decided to sit back down.  But then the pod open.  Lance caught Keith just in time.  He was all healed now.  He got to hug his boyfriend again.  Soon enough, Lance started to cry.  Keith opened his eyes and held tightly.  He looked up and saw Lance crying.

"Lance...why are you crying...?"


Lance then lifted Keith in they air and swung him around which made him laugh.



Lance then lowered Keith down and pulled him into a kiss.  It was a good thirty second kiss (YES). 

"I love you babe!"

"I love you too... By the way, how long was I out for?"

"About a day."

"Missed me that much?"


The two boys just stood there hugging each other.  Neither of them wanted to let go.  The the door opened.  The others saw Keith and ran towards him and try to give him a hug.  But Lance pulled him away.

"Don't touch my Kitty!  He's mine!"


Keith then hurried his face in the taller boy's shirt.  Everybody started laughing.  Then Allura spoked up.

"Gald to see you okay Keith."

"Yeah.  You took quite a hit yesterday." (Shiro)

"Don't worry everyone.  I'm okay, thanks to you guys." (Keith)

"Come on Keith, you must be starving." (Coran)
Everybody was eating a pleasant meal Hunk whipped up.  Everbody was chatting with each other.  Lamce had a warm smile on his face.  And so did Keith.  During this entire time, Lance made Keith blush twelve times and Keith buried his face in his shirt six times.  Soon enough, it was time to get some rest.  Lance and Keith headed for the red paladin's room.

"Well night Keith-

Keith grabbed Lance wrist. He was looking at him and made a cute blush.

"Can you sleep with me tonight... please...?"

"... Sure babe."

Both of them got into bed and slept while cuddling with each other.

"Goodnight Lance... I love you..."

"I love you too Kitty..."

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