About the collar...

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"T-The collar??" Keith looked a little frighten by hearing that particular word.

"What collar?" (Shiro)

"The collar he had when we were fighting in the galra ship."

Everybody was now curious about the topic.  Keith lowered his head.  Shiro then spoked up.

"Keith.  Tell us about this collar you had on."

Keith flinched by the hearing that word again.  He doesn't want to talk about.  He doesn't want to talk about anything that involes with the collar.


There was a small silence.

"It's okay of you don't want to say anything yet. Just make sure you tell us." (Allura)

Keith nodded his head.  Coran spoked up.

"Well I'm hungry.  Who else is?'

Time Skip

Everybody was now in there room.  Keith was laying on his bed.  He was thinking when he should tell the others about the collar.  He snapped into reality when someone knocked on the door.

"Who's there?"

"... Finally."

"What?  Uh... Finally... Who?"

"I tried to 'Finally' (find a Lilly), but then I realized were on a ship which means there are no flowers."

"... Did you just-

Lance walked into they room.

"Oh I just"

Keith rolled over, now facing the wall instead of Lance.

"Aw come on babe.  I know how to make you happy~💙"

Keith could here Lance coming over.  The blue paladin then sat down next to him.  Keith was now getting worried by what Lance might do to him.  Lance then poked Keith on the side.  Keith immediately covered his side embarrassed. He rolled over blushing only see his boyfriend smirking.

"Oh!  You ARE ticklish~💙"

Keith was now scared by the sound of those words. Lance started tickling Keith to death.


"You kidding me!  This is way to much fun!"

Lance kept tickling Keith.  Seemed like hours.  Then Lance finally stopped to let Keith catch his breath.

"I...I... Think... I'm... I'm crying..."

"Wait you are?!"

"I... I SAID...I... THINK!"

Lance laughed a little to see the red paladin in such a state.  Keith just glared at the blue paladin for giving him such torture.  Lance stopped laughing and laid down next Keith and started snuggling the smaller paladin. Keith snuggled back.  Both of them just laid there on the bed motionless.  Lance then spoked up.

"Please Keith... I need yo know about the collar..."

Keith had wide eyes now.  He didn't want to talk about it.  He didn't even wan to speak about it.  He hated the collar.  Keith decided to-


-tell him the truth.

"When I was being held captive, I was being watched by seems to be a very sick guard.  He didn't say much.  But he looked like he was about to fall any minute-

"You're going of topic Keith."

"Anyways... the cell door opened.  There was this other guard who wanted me to followed.  After a while he led me into this room where it was completely dark.  I went inside and the guard closed the door.  I started to get a little nervous.  Then I was greeted by a very dark voice.  I looked around and saw Zarkon himself.  He told me joined.  Obviously I said no.  But then he said he thought I cared about my mother.  He immediately got my attention with that.  He told me that he had all the information I need to know about my mother.  I didn't say anything after that. It was silent for a while.  All of a sudden, someone from behind grabbed me and injected something.  I then woke up feeling very weak and heard a conversation."

"... Do you remember the conversation?"

"Bits and pieces... like... Oh we can control him with this collar... Um... Something something about my mom... I don't really remember the rest.  I passed out again."


"Are you... A-are you m-mad at m-me?"

Keith started tearing up.  Lance looked at his boyfriend in shocked he immediately hugged him tighter. 

"Babe!  Why would I be upset?!  It's  impossible for me to be upset with you.  I care and love you very much don't you ever forget that!"

"I-I won't... I p-promise."

Lance shirt was started to get soaked by Keith tears.  Keith calm himself down.  The couple were now just laying there in bed.  Lance was trying to calm Keith down, and keith started falling asleep.  Seems like they've been snuggling forever.  Lance looked down and saw Keith sleeping peacefully.

"Heh... So cute~💙"

Lance pulled the covers over themselves.

"Goodnight my kitty..."

Lance closed his eyes and both of them were sleeping peacefully in bed.  Keith was still hugged by Lance, and Lance didn't there to let go.  Both of them stayed there until mourning.

Time skip to 6:47 am

Keith woked up.  He found himself hugged by Lance.  Keith then looked up and saw the blue paladin sleeping peacefully.  Keith couldn't help but smile and blush a little.  He carefully got out of Lance's tight grip.  He was now sitting next to the sleeping boy.  Keith looked down at Lance and smiled and blushed a little more.

"I.. I love you~❤"

Keith then left the room to go to the bathroom.  As he left the bathroom, he realized that he was still sleepy.  He dragged his feet all the way back to bed.  He he reached his room.  Something grabbed his hand and threw him on bed.  Keith then slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was pinned down... By Lance... on the bed.  Keith was now a blushing mess.  Even Lance was blushing, but he had that smirk.

"You look so cute right now ~💙"

"C-Come on L-Lance it's w-way to early for t-this."

"Where'd you go? I was getting worried..."

"I-I was in the B-bathroom-

Lance then started kissing Keith.  Keith blushed more (somehow).  The two wee kissing with passion.
They both eventually stopped.  They both spoked up.

"I love you~ 💜"

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