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         SALIMA & NUHU
            EPISODE 1

I met Nuhu in 2007 @ my aunt's​ house in kinkinau when my mum sent me to go and get measured na kayan ankon bikin elder sister ta Husna.

Nuhu is my aunt's brother-in- law, ya iya dinki Kuma gashi kyakkyawa. I noticed how he was staring @ me which made me not comfortable. He smiled and I reciprocated sai ya Fara gwada ni, we both could feel the current flowing between us.

He was my first love and I am a novice in that aspect so I kept shying away. We exchanged numbers Kuma muka Fara soyayya Mai qarfi. I was not allowed to have boyfriends @ home, so we kept it as secret.

I will pretend I am going to see a friend and we will meet elsewhere and dat continued for two sister's wedding is tomorrow and my cousin sameera just crash landed for d wedding and we av to go get her clothes from Nuhu cuz na biki ne. I must confess Sameera is fair, tall nd beautiful and I am chocolate in colour, tall and not so beautiful.

And behold! Everything changed and he started addressing me as "qanwar mu" I confronted Sameera after d wedding wen I noticed dey r always on call and he doesn't even call me and she said she wanna teach him a lesson, how dare him date two sisters? But, it's obvious dey were in love. He showers her with gifts and I became the 'yar aike and my first love story ended B4 it began

I hope u r not bored
More r coming in shaa Allah


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