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I was sick, so I av bn indoors tru out d week, not until when Ayman barged into my room and started shouting, Adda babba! (elder sister) kin samu remedials a sokoto. I couldn't believe my ears, I opened my eyes and we continued jubilating

I started getting ready, I can't believe I am going to jami'ah. Zan riqe 80leaves a hunnu na idan zanje lectures Ina catwalking. Whoah!

My mum packed my things and my dad gave me a new phone and some advice dat I should read hard, keep good company and in riqe mutunci na.

We set out with my father's brother (uncle yasir) dat is taking me to school. The journey was hectic considering the distance. We reached sokoto late in d evening, my uncle left me cuz he's leaving for Kaduna very early d next day, and I cried cuz I was already misn home.

Na zama 'yar jami'ah @ last and a lazy one for dat matter, cuz I don't go for lectures, but I can do make up on my face and snap pictures.

I met a new friend Aisha, duk jirgi daya ya kwaso mu. We r either eating or in the studio snapping pictures. We went to snap one fateful day, and we decided to watch a photo album of medical students in UDUS. Dat was wen a particular guy caught my attention. He is a medical doctor dat graduated two years ago and also an indigene of Sokoto state. Remember my philia for handsome guys?

I took his number and sent him a msg reading " saw u in photo album, u r cute! Mwuaah!" And I sent it to him. (Hmmmm) An zubar da aji!

I saved his number so dat I wont pick when he calls. A number called me later in d day and demanded an explanation dat I sent him a text in d afternoon, dat was wen I realized it was Zahradeen. I was shy nd embarrassed, so I quickly cut d call. But, he kept calling nd I picked at last.

We started communicating and he demanded for my picture which I sent to him through MMs and he sent his too, my roommates were tripping for his looks too.

I was been discreet, so I neva told him where I was schooling. He kept asking and I continued declining, until wen he called and d fone was with Aisha. She picked and he requested for our location and she told him wc I neva knew.

He called d next morning and told me dat he is outside my hostel, I was confident he didn't know where I was, so I went to clear my doubt. I was looking rough cuz I didn't take my bath and I sighted him, I was shocked. Aiko me zanyi idan ba gudu ba (hmmm). It took me a while before I composed myself to meet him, we spent time together.

Since then, me and Deen were always on fone Kuma yana zuwa wajena very often. He give me perfume, jewelleries and clothes. Har dinkin anko ya mana, me and him only.

I went back to kaduna after my first semester exams and Deen came to see me a week after at home. We wore anko dat day and we set out to take ice cream. How romantic! We ate ice cream from the same cup and he fed me and I fed him too. He left for sokoto after spending two days with me. I miss him

I resumed school d following week and he came to see me. We had fun and it seemed like it was our first meeting. He left in d evening and he later called me and I could sense he was sad. I asked him and he said he will come see me d next day. I kept panicking truout d nyt.

The following day, i went back to the hostel after my lectures to take my bath and wait for his Majesty's arrival. He came after Asr prayer, he took me to a very nice, cool and silent place and had a chit chat. I asked wat d problem was and he told me he is going for a course in Lagos and he doesn't know how long it will take and he was already misn me. I wasn't happy but I can't stop him.

Deen went to Lagos, we initially continued with our zazzafar qauna and I noticed some changes cos he reduced his rate of calling and he ignores my calls. I came to know he came back to sokoto when I saw his DP and status on 2go. I tried calling buh, he won't pick and it got to an extent that he started rejecting my calls.

I couldn't believe he dumped me i felt pain and couldn't absorb d pain alone. So, I formed my own lies when I was asked about him. Cuz duk an san mu a tare. so, I told people that he died in a motor accident and I can see friends and family sympathizing with me. Thank God nobody had his number to confirm. And I continued laughing in my mind (pwahahahaha).

Hello my dearies!
I am new and I need ur encouragement

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New episode on Saturday in shaa Allah

Luv you guys😍


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