Intermediately Preparatory

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I ponder and fret over the inevitable.

Specifically in regards to my education.

High school absolutely terrifies me. I fear burning out, and the fellow student that I may encounter. Quite a few are excessively violent, and while I have been perpetually bullied since kindergarten, I'd rather not be physically beaten to a pulp.

I was recommended for all possible honors classes and accepted into a rigorous program.

Yet even now, I feel exhausted and I question how I could possibly multitask between each advanced class and extra curricular activities which would be beneficial for college. I sincerely applaud those of you who happen to be functioning properly through high school.

Although quite a few individuals despise me in the other  middle school, and I consistently fret that I will be confronted in a violent manner. 

I am capable of retaliating, however, I'd rather not be labeled as another stereotypical black male that is aggressive, thus discounting the only label that I appreciate, which would be "intelligent."

I am in fact ecstatic to be in intellectually stimulating classes, and the prospect of being with individuals that are intelligent and sufficiently mature is promising, although I highly doubt it.

It was noted by a guidance counselor that: "You're really intelligent and mature for your age, I know now it is annoying but wait until high school, you'll meet like-minded individuals." 

I nodded, but I disagree.

It's amusing but in truth, when multiple intelligent people come together, it either buds into a splendid friendship or it becomes a perpetual and straining competition for dominance. There are few individuals that are humble and intelligent. 

I suppose that it stems from being referred to as intelligent to the extent where it is embedded into your head. Fortunately, I reject compliments in regards to my intelligence to remain humble. 

Being introvert, there is a consistent feeling of loneliness. When I happen to entire a facility and watch individuals embrace one another in familiarity, for instance, on the first day of school, I simply pout and wait. 

I have very few genuine friends. By choice. Others, that I wish would be rather close, generally would not view me as worthy material for a sufficiently close friend. 

Of course, my greatest friend moved thus he will not be attending the same high school.

Ah tragedy.

I suppose that I shall ponder this further, delve into my sorrow further, and frown more frequently.

This is it I suppose.

Farewell then, and thank you for bothering to read this utter nonsense.

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